ChinChin KemoKemo - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - A Story of a Childhood Friend Who Grew Animal Ears While Hiking Up a Mountain

Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
Bocchan - a wild guess here but "my little prince" could also be a translation in this kind of context? (Since he's treating himself like a little prince, i.e. sleeping in)
Active member
Jul 7, 2018
Translator is wrong about hakama, at least any that I've seen. First, it's not a skirt. It has legs, but they are very baggy. The front and back are not separate. There are two strings which wind all the way around. The back of the hakama has a board that keeps it sitting vertically, right in the middle of your back. Hakama are NOT hard to put on. Nor are they hard to take off. What's hard is folding one up to put away. There are seven pleats, three on one leg, and four on the other, that have to be folded just so. The process of folding takes about 5 minutes, even for an expert. If you get them dry cleaned (you should NOT wash them), you need to find a cleaner that knows how to press the pleats, which can take some searching in the US.

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