@Tikibo There economy certainly has higher level banking issues (as if ours isn't also a house of cards), but unlike in America, the average family does not have to struggle for dual wages to manage. Do you really like daycare that much?
Ah, I wouldn't call something that was the norm here 40 years ago archaic, and not all "progress" is healthy. I think the issues that follow that post '71 culture-econ shift are more stressful and unhealthy. They may have it worse in some ways, but as far as family is concerned, I think socially Japan is much healthier than America (remember, part of their issue is people over-working themselves, and here you are asking for their society to "pick up the pace!" , which is very much an industrialist, post-family sort of puritan anti-aging attitude.)
Well, our society. Though, I guess we can specify and say, "White America," but really I think the issue affects every working American family of any stripe.