It's not like Japan ever cared about it anyways (if you've read about the Japan part of WW2 you know what i mean).Friendly reminder that cluster bombs are a violation of the Geneva Suggestion.
It's not like Japan ever cared about it anyways (if you've read about the Japan part of WW2 you know what i mean).Friendly reminder that cluster bombs are a violation of the Geneva Suggestion.
Reminded me more of the mosquito, but with what he needs, atm fits quite nicely.
ty for tl
finally "freedom and democary" is here
Allen showing these guys American Style.
For heroine and her henchmen I guess.Is this for the bombs in this chapter, or is there something coming in the next chapters?
Normally I'd agree, but it's just an absolutely horrible aircraft it can't even be a decent cropdusterReminded me more of the mosquito, but with what he needs, atm fits quite nicely.
Those are just shrapnel bombs, perfectly legal on military targets, though pretty much out of use since WW2.Friendly reminder that cluster bombs are a violation of the Geneva Suggestion.
Well they don't have Geneva Conventions in this world... or Geneva itself for that matter. Let's just hope Allen doesn't find any uranium.
Excellent pedantry.Just to be pedantic, the Convention on Cluster Munitions has nothing to do with the Geneva Convention. It's an entirely different treaty. (Also, those were fragmentation bombs, not cluster bombs.)
AFAIK, the closest the Geneva Convention gets is prohibiting targeting civilian populations with indiscriminate weapons in wartime, and he was clearly targeting military forces.
It's not a perfect weapon. Ice shards have a cap in destructive potential, and breaking wooden structures relies on the initial blast.i'm surprised allen this quickly thought up a new aircraft able to hold this kind of ammunition. felt like he had to do alot more rinse and repeat, trial and errors, on his first one. and his ammunition in itself is quite the ingenious idea. and while i realise he'd been using magic all the time for his weapons and his glider, he's now expanding the usage for magic weaponry, quite a big step up, so i hope his magic reserves are keeping up.
Bu...but, this is using natural resources and doesn't leave behind anything toxic.Friendly reminder that cluster bombs are a violation of the Geneva Suggestion.