Chounin A wa Akuyaku Reijou wo Doushitemo Sukuitai - Vol. 6 Ch. 27 - Prophecy and Blessing

Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2020
thanks for the update, please comment the link of your friends novel also thank you for making stuff clear!
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2023
Indeed. At first I came for her thiccness, now I stay for her character development.

And the best part is, Allen is not really fixing her. SHE is fixing herself, with a little help from him. What a girl! (y)
Her smile is so cute. It's a sign of how much she's changing for the better.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2023
See, this is much more entertaining than the boring fucking Solo Leveling style dungeon farming he was doing back in the early chapters. Wasted so much of the readers' time. Had I not read the manga while all 27 were available, I would've hundred percent dropped this shit.

Also, I did not realize this manga grew in popularity so much wtf. I was just reading chapters as I go. This was uploaded 2 days ago and it has 173 comments. It also has an 8.44 rating fucking hell
What are you talking about? It's because people who went through reading the solo leveling are now enjoying a massive payoff. We all saw how much the story had been building up for this very moment.

That's what reading series is all about; expecting a payoff for all that we've been through since the start.

It's way better than everything just being handed to you on a silver platter at the beginning.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2024
Her smile is so cute. It's a sign of how much she's changing for the better.
Don't tell me. Especially when I think back of her in the early chapters. Back in the days, she always had a face that literally screamed "Butthurt". She was a walking pile of bottled-up anger, frustration and various negative emotions...
No wonder she was supposed to become the equivalent of a Sith Lord in the original scenario. :rolleyes:

Really, that has been a heart-warming turn of events... 🥲
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2023
Don't tell me. Especially when I think back of her in the early chapters. Back in the days, she always had a face that literally screamed "Butthurt". She was a walking pile of bottled-up anger, frustration and various negative emotions...
No wonder she was supposed to become the equivalent of a Sith Lord in the original scenario. :rolleyes:

Really, that has been a heart-warming turn of events... 🥲
Indeed. Now we wait for more chapters of her 😍
Dex-chan lover
Jul 11, 2023
Honestly there are so many great women in this manga. The guild mommy, Anna, both the queen of the elves and her daughter.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 19, 2020
They are not lovers
Being a dickhead and responding with a meme
Well now are they? Lovers can confess their feelings, hug, go on dates, kiss and have sex. Without declaring it official.
Allen plays the role of a glorified butler in this relationship.
Is there some other language we can speak that you understand better? I know English, Spanish, Japanese, and I'm sure I could make Portuguese work, if I set my mind to it.
The one in which you can stop being a dickhead and state your point.
You know, except in ... in chapter 20
Casual interaction between classmates on a school festival day in an academy where everyone is supposedly treats one another like equals. Is acquaintanceship now considered something special?
her attempt in chapter 23
Seeking him out to express her gratitude and discuss the thing he just did is basic human decency, you don't even need to be in any kind of relationship to consider doing that. I am not gonna give her any extra points for "I am a noble, so I didn't really had to do any of this".
chapter 25
Her employing Allen as a sherpa doesn't refute my point. Quite the opposite actually
Also, I didn't realize it doesn't count as "spending time together"
It doesn't count as time together worthy of being noted as something special if it is on the pretext of him doing work for her. I spend time together with my boss doing the work they assigned to me, this doesn't mean there's something going on between us.
doing something for each other...
Yeah, no. Allen doing something for Ana.
Who would imagine that the commoner boy isn't getting handsy with the noblewoman. Do you think she'd tolerate even shoulder pats from anyone else?
Why does she think her being a noblewoman makes her trickle of skinship more valuable? "I, Anastasia the noblewoman, grant you, Allen the commoner, this token touch! Be grateful, because this is as much as you'll get". Such sweet lovers!
What?! An older woman showering with a child?!
Older women or not (one of whom is a royal btw, if we're gonna get more mileage out of Ana being a noble), they have given him more affectionate physical contact than Ana has ever considered giving. If the skinship she's given him so far is the full extent of things she's willing to do for him, she has no place treating those few instances of physical contact between them as something special.
His boundaries are "I'm yours".
Revealing his secrets was not within these boundaries somehow, given that it is something he expressively did not want to do.
It is funny however how you keep using "he's hers" like it's an exhaustive explanation, and not a convenient oversimplification.
"leading him on".
Being a dickhead once more
The thing you quoted contains exactly what I mean by these words, you could try arguing with that instead of making fun of my English. But sure, let's look up the meaning of "lead on": said:
To cause one to think incorrectly that one is the object of another's favor, interest, or romantic feelings, whether intentionally or not. said:
to persuade someone to believe something that is untrue
So Ana, by being possessive of Allen on a personal level and demanding from him the commitment expected of a lover, might suggests to him that their relationship is of romantic nature, all the while she does not intend to act out the role of a lover herself, let alone marry him in the future. Ana's actions are misleading in that they might cause Allen to start thinking that they will be together (as lovers or spouses) - but they will not. It does not matter if Allen is actually being mislead (he has his own misconceptions to deal with) - Ana is acting in a misleading way, even if she doesn't intend to, and even if she truly does love him.
So yeah, I stand by my use of the word, it does mean what I intended it to mean.
Apr 10, 2023
The one in which you can stop being a dickhead and state your point.
I've got just the thing. I'm going to just narrow things down, so I'm not putting out a novel every time:

I understand your point about gestures having broad meanings and the importance of not over-interpreting them. However, in the context of this story, the handkerchief gesture carries a specific significance that is both culturally embedded within the story's world and explicitly clarified by the narrative. This isn't just about our interpretations as readers but about how the story frames this gesture and its impact on the characters involved.

Consider the story's setting, akin to a language in itself, where certain actions speak volumes about relationships and intentions. The author's decision to explicitly explain the gesture's meaning is a direct communication to us, the readers, guiding us to understand the depth of the bond between Allen and Anastasia. It's a narrative device used to convey layers of unspoken commitment and acknowledgment within their societal context.

Moreover, the reaction of other characters to this gesture reinforces its intended meaning. When characters within the story recognize and react to the handkerchief as a significant declaration, it's a cue to us that within the story's cultural framework, this gesture is a profound act of claiming and belonging. It's not about legalities or formalities but about what this gesture communicates to the world they inhabit.

The handkerchief isn't just a piece of fabric; it's a symbol loaded with meaning—a narrative shortcut that tells us about the characters' relationship status without them having to explicitly state it. It's similar to how certain actions in our real world, like wearing a wedding ring, can communicate marital status without a word being spoken.

I see your concern about taking gestures at face value and the risk of misinterpretation. Yet, in storytelling, especially in a world built by the author, such gestures are often used to bridge the gap between the characters' internal feelings and what they can openly express. This particular gesture, detailed by the author and acknowledged by the characters, is meant to crystallize Allen and Anastasia's complex relationship for the audience.

Lastly, consider the broader narrative and thematic purposes this gesture serves. It deepens our understanding of their dynamic, highlighting the nuances of their bond—how they navigate their feelings within the constraints of their society. It's a pivotal moment that signifies a transition in their relationship, marking Allen's place in Anastasia's life not just as a protector but as someone she publicly claims as her own, reflecting a mutual, albeit unconventional, commitment.

In essence, the story uses this gesture as a lens through which we can view the entirety of Allen and Anastasia's relationship, offering us clarity on their bond's nature and the expectations that come with it within their world.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 24, 2020
Well now are they? Lovers can confess their feelings, hug, go on dates, kiss and have sex. Without declaring it official.
Allen plays the role of a glorified butler in this relationship.

The one in which you can stop being a dickhead and state your point.

Casual interaction between classmates on a school festival day in an academy where everyone is supposedly treats one another like equals. Is acquaintanceship now considered something special?

Seeking him out to express her gratitude and discuss the thing he just did is basic human decency, you don't even need to be in any kind of relationship to consider doing that. I am not gonna give her any extra points for "I am a noble, so I didn't really had to do any of this".

Her employing Allen as a sherpa doesn't refute my point. Quite the opposite actually

It doesn't count as time together worthy of being noted as something special if it is on the pretext of him doing work for her. I spend time together with my boss doing the work they assigned to me, this doesn't mean there's something going on between us.

Yeah, no. Allen doing something for Ana.

Why does she think her being a noblewoman makes her trickle of skinship more valuable? "I, Anastasia the noblewoman, grant you, Allen the commoner, this token touch! Be grateful, because this is as much as you'll get". Such sweet lovers!

Older women or not (one of whom is a royal btw, if we're gonna get more mileage out of Ana being a noble), they have given him more affectionate physical contact than Ana has ever considered giving. If the skinship she's given him so far is the full extent of things she's willing to do for him, she has no place treating those few instances of physical contact between them as something special.

Revealing his secrets was not within these boundaries somehow, given that it is something he expressively did not want to do.
It is funny however how you keep using "he's hers" like it's an exhaustive explanation, and not a convenient oversimplification.

The thing you quoted contains exactly what I mean by these words, you could try arguing with that instead of making fun of my English. But sure, let's look up the meaning of "lead on":

So Ana, by being possessive of Allen on a personal level and demanding from him the commitment expected of a lover, might suggests to him that their relationship is of romantic nature, all the while she does not intend to act out the role of a lover herself, let alone marry him in the future. Ana's actions are misleading in that they might cause Allen to start thinking that they will be together (as lovers or spouses) - but they will not. It does not matter if Allen is actually being mislead (he has his own misconceptions to deal with) - Ana is acting in a misleading way, even if she doesn't intend to, and even if she truly does love him.
So yeah, I stand by my use of the word, it does mean what I intended it to mean.
Imma say this. In the most polite way.

But my brother in Christ, you are taking this manga WAY to seriously.
Group Leader
Jan 22, 2023
honestly seeing here how Amy is so dumb. Elves rarely are seen outside of the Elven village.

The moment she saw that Sheryl knew the commoner that is messing her plot, she should realize instantly he is like her bruh....

In the novel she didnt get it but I thought maybe it was THAT obvious but seeing in manga, its just dumb XD.... Amy is just desperate haha
Apr 10, 2023
honestly seeing here how Amy is so dumb. Elves rarely are seen outside of the Elven village.

The moment she saw that Sheryl knew the commoner that is messing her plot, she should realize instantly he is like her bruh....

In the novel she didnt get it but I thought maybe it was THAT obvious but seeing in manga, its just dumb XD.... Amy is just desperate haha
She already tried the "This commoner must be like me " angle, and came up with nothing. Re-visiting a discarded hypothesis is a waste of time until she has actual knowledge of him messing with anything. So far, the most she's got is that he's hindering, but not preventing, conflict with Anastasia. He stepped in here and there, but broadly speaking, she still got her fight, almost got her slap, definitely got the engagement broken, definitely got the duel...

Really, things are going almost to plan, and the variable is the definitely-not-like-her-for-sure-she-already-checked commoner. There's apparently a "hard mode", and Allen himself saw several changes to the plot that weren't caused by the second "Observer" deity. You see the answer as obvious because you've literally known it all along, and it's obviously going to fit all the information that's presented, but Allen could have come to the same conclusion erroneously by that same logic.
Group Leader
Jan 22, 2023
She already tried the "This commoner must be like me " angle, and came up with nothing. Re-visiting a discarded hypothesis is a waste of time until she has actual knowledge of him messing with anything. So far, the most she's got is that he's hindering, but not preventing, conflict with Anastasia. He stepped in here and there, but broadly speaking, she still got her fight, almost got her slap, definitely got the engagement broken, definitely got the duel...

Really, things are going almost to plan, and the variable is the definitely-not-like-her-for-sure-she-already-checked commoner. There's apparently a "hard mode", and Allen himself saw several changes to the plot that weren't caused by the second "Observer" deity. You see the answer as obvious because you've literally known it all along, and it's obviously going to fit all the information that's presented, but Allen could have come to the same conclusion erroneously by that same logic.
Everytime I saw on the manga that the thought was trailing in this direction,.she thought something stupid like "oh he must be just in love with her" or something, but this time was too specific, just stupid.

I dont remember now on the novel if Amy had more specific theories about Allen bein like her at this point, but on the manga at least is just Nah.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Her smile is so cute. It's a sign of how much she's changing for the better.
Shes not changing for the better, shes simply showing her true face more.

Remember that Allen even in the game setting considered her an earnest and honest person that was only the "villainess" because she opposed the heroine, and it was the Prince after she lost the duel and was forced to go into a convent, who ordered the thugs to assault and gangrape her along the way, which mindbreaked her and was later used as a weapon by an enemy country to become the final boss after being possesed by a cursed sword that amplified her grudges and hatred
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 12, 2024
What are you talking about? It's because people who went through reading the solo leveling are now enjoying a massive payoff. We all saw how much the story had been building up for this very moment.

That's what reading series is all about expecting a payoff for all the for the start.

It's way better than everything just being handed everything to you on a silver platter at the beginning.
I agree. Not alot of authors put in enough setup or world building. Allen's story has all been about preparing for the condemnation event and preventing war. This is now paying off.
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2019
So something like Kadokawa's isekai in Isekai Quartet? The publisher for this series is Comic Earthstar so Allen can hang around with

1.) Yogiri from Instant Death
2.) Another guy named Allen from Hell Mode
3.) Abel (the guy with a Yandere sister) from Juzoku Tensei
4.) Fia from The Reincarnated Great Saint
5.) Aesir from Growing Tired of The Lazy High Elf Life after 120 Years
6.) Irushia from Reincarnated as a Dragon Egg

That's actually not a bad group of friends to hangout with at all.
aesir has been traumatized to the point hes gonna ghost everyone there because he lives so damn long
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2023
aesir has been traumatized to the point hes gonna ghost everyone there because he lives so damn long
Well fortunately for him He won't be the only long living person there. I'm sure it will work out.... somehow..

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