I think you missed the point. He never wanted any of this in the first place. If he just was never made to be involved, then he wouldn't have to punch him in the first place. The powers are "useless" if the god was competent at his job, because they are not needed in that world. Nor can they just casually be used without causing some major uproar that he then needs to wipe the memories of everyone in the city. He only really uses them to clean up after the shitty god anyways, so they are "useless" as their existence itself is what gives them their use. It is like trying to clean up your dirty footprints while still wearing shoes covered in mud.
wooaahh, itss so surprising, i dont see that coming, oohhh actually shes best waifu , i dont know that , sooo surprising 😶 tge former enemh bcome best waifu oohh 🙄