@deathmailrock I know that? If you looked at my previous chapter comments I say that the only reason she's suspicious is because subconsciously she knows their relationship is falling apart.
She complains he wants sex too much, poor fucker couldn't even have sex with his wife once a month. (Chp1)
She complains he got rough with her, saying she didn't like it, and complains when he asks her "Does it feel good?" (Chp 1 during break up sex)
She complained about his paycheck, saying she regretted marrying him cause he was a salaried doctor. (Again chp 1, after he asks her, "Why'd you even marry me then? Why not just go marry some rich guy!")
This had been building all in the background for at least a couple years till she gets the promotion to evening news, where he wouldn't see her at night anymore, and then the text message comes in. They didn't get divorced because of her thinking he cheated on her, that was only the catalyst. They'd gotten divorced sooner or later without any suspected cheating anyways with how they were doing.
Normal couples who communicate well: "Oh I advised a female nurse on some private matters." "She alright?" "Think it'll be fine."
Or gender reversed: "The new guy at work needed help so I stayed overtime with him." "K."
Also, she doesn't know he went to a club, only that he spoke to a female at work and at a hotel bar, which again, for a couple in a healthy relationship with each other means nothng.