Combating Misinformation: Official Statement

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Fed-Kun's army
Aug 28, 2018
That's pretty specific. Want to let me in on the series you're referring to?
As for insults, who gives a flying fuck? Breaking news my dude: the internet is not a hug box. There are people on it who are going to throw insults your way. If you can't laugh it off and ignore them you better unplug your modem and dunk it in salt water.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2018
I didn't read the entire thread but I also think the groups pulling out of MD is silly. In case of the groups that put delays to the chapters they uploaded, I already used to read their scanlations on their sites (and still am) so this doesn't really affect me. On the other hand though, because I direct link straight to the manga I'm reading the page views they get from me won't increase in the future because I never see their front page and as such never notice what new projects they've picked up. The only exception to this is Meraki Scans because with them it's easier to just go to their front page (if any Meraki staff are reading this, thanks for using such a convenient design on your site) and with that there's a chance I might start reading their new project the next time they pick something up.

I feel like what I wrote was off-topic even though I intended to write an on-topic post. Weird.

ps. it's a surprisingly tame thread considering the first page already got 2 moderated comments and Hitler was mentioned before even reaching page 3. Somebody should tweet this thread to Elon Musk so MD can get their 1bn donation.
Group Leader
Mar 1, 2019
No, that's not why we are here. We are here because the fire already started.

Is it the page where a person or a group said that 'begging for money to scan manga is a scam' or something to that effect? Paraphrased because I unfortunately missed the start of this whole debacle. This is in somewhat muddy water as is it worthy of removal or not is up to interpretation. For example, the thing about NZ shooting were removed for offensive content but I think it's hilarious.

MD provided a platform and what is and isn't acceptable is up to their decision, and unfortunately this time some groups weren't pleased with their decision. I can respect that and their decision to leave. But they have to blow it out of proportion and have to take a grandstand of their leaving, and if my experience with internet bloodsport taught me anything, it's that if you have to tell people you're better than the opposition, chances are you probably not. Both side could have parted way in amiable terms, and it's a pity that's it become something that span over days and involved unsuspecting users in their crossfire.

I do agree with you that I hope thing settle down and turn out for the best for all parties involve regardless of my, or anyone personal opinion of them was.

Not talking about JB or any other group that react badly.
The Sniper in question went at a group that has no delay, was fairly on time with updates.
Saying things like they missed a few bubbles and that said group asks for money.
Yet IRONICALLY said sniper missed bubbles and didn't translate a few of them 🙄
While original groups own was well translated and had no errors 🤷‍♂️
Yeah hope this is the end of this 🤦‍♂️
Active member
Apr 18, 2018
Comment sessions are always interesting to follow.
Because my cat time is up, I only want to say thank you for the clarification. It's helpful.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
"But what about the toxicity of the readers on MangaDex? I heard from several groups that they pulled out because you refused to moderate toxic posters or even let groups defend themselves, censoring their replies to said toxic readers."

The vast majority of the time, the readers who post negative comments towards groups say things along the lines of:

"Your translation sucks!"
"Why is your delay so long?"
"When are you releasing the next chapter?"
"Lol, you guys suck because you beg for donations in every credit page."

Every user who posts in chapter comment threads or on the forums is subject to our rules. They were formulated with the intent of forcing people to interact with basic civility and nothing more in order to prevent us from turning into a chan or MyAnimeList forums (which have a terrible reputation for toxicity). Having a negative opinion of a group or a release is fine so long as it follows our rule, Be Civil and its related corollaries. Disliking a group and complaining about how they scanlate, their release schedule, or whether or not they have a delay on MangaDex does not break our rules.

This worries me. Specifically

Having a negative opinion of a group or a release is fine so long as it follows our rule, Be Civil and its related corollaries.

but I'd say 3 of your 4 examples aren't civil at all. #1 and 4 are outright insults with no constructive criticism. #2 is just plain rude and disrespectful to people working for pennies at best, mostly working for no money at all. What is "Be Civil" in this context? Because I'd rather not flood you with reports on stuff that you see as civil that I personally think are offensive.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 27, 2018
it's always funny when scanlator trying to make money from someone else work in disguise donation money
Dex-chan lover
Sep 7, 2018
@Invader_Retro I see. The way I see it, rule wise the sniper didn't do anything wrong per se. Unless I'm wrong, anyone can upload their work onto MD. His work might be bad and he had something to said about his competitor but there's nothing inherently wrong with that. Those who put their work up to compete should've let the quality of their work speak for themselves. As you said, if the original groups was better than the sniper then the reader will know that and decide who they follow themselves. Similar thing were happening to 5toubun translation between dropout and /a/ I think, minus the snark and people read both and decided for themselves all in good spirit of free market competition. I've never seen 5toubun comment section escalated into personal attacks that warrant MD's staff intervention either.

@Ovdose Godwin's law lives on, as with any rule of the internet.
Jan 23, 2018
As far as the sniping is concerned, OP is right. People might not notice it now but a lot of the mainstream mangas had multiple groups doing them. Speed releases, like 3 that just did cuz they don't want to leave readers without their version, then the HQ people that released like a week late, and finally the people that released based on volumes coming out. Aggregators just updated their version (sometimes) and dumped the rest.

On MD if you want to read the chapter right away or wait for a specific group, you have that option. In the long run readers will read & re-read the releases of the group they prefer. Groups will always have their loyal fanbase that will follow them to the end, and that's all they should worry about. If they want that loyal fanbase to use adblockers and be reminded to donate to them constantly, I think that says a lot about a group.
Sep 26, 2018
In order to do that, we would need to raise *hundreds of millions of dollars* and in addition get every single Japanese/Korean/Chinese publisher to agree to let their content be hosted alongside that of their competitors.

@Zephyrus you are completely missing the point. If MD went legit, that would be the end of free manga on the internet. When fakku went legit, the internet was scoured clean of all ero manga and doujinshi. When crunchyroll went legit, forget ever watching anime online without paying trillions for it first, fuck I never even got to finish watching naruto (believe it!). You guys forgot about that, probably too busy racing lamborghinis all day to remember the little guys out there.
May 19, 2018
Sad that things like this have to happen. I enjoy Mangadex and will continue to do so. My computer thanks you all for the effort you have gone to create a site like this.
Jan 18, 2018
I still remember when Tazmo condemned by the whole manga community and now many scanlators blatantly trying to be new Tazmo mmm...
Group Leader
Mar 1, 2019
I see. The way I see it, rule wise the sniper didn't do anything wrong per se. Unless I'm wrong, anyone can upload their work onto MD. His work might be bad and he had something to said about his competitor but there's nothing inherently wrong with that. Those who put their work up to compete should've let the quality of their work speak for themselves. As you said, if the original groups was better than the sniper then the reader will know that and decide who they follow themselves. Similar thing were happening to 5toubun translation between dropout and /a/ I think, minus the snark and people read both and decided for themselves all in good spirit of free market competition. I've never seen 5toubun comment section escalated into personal attacks that warrant MD's staff intervention either.
Yeah but pretty sure that comment section didn't involve the scanlators.
If there were no insults then no one would be complaining....

Example Master of Gu of Timeleaf Scan being sniped by Meraki

Time Leaf not only had a delay and were behind but purposely split chapters into pieces.
Merkai sniped them with full chapters and faster release speed.
Leaf trying to match them let up on the delay and started doing whole chapters.
That all happened without any significant drama popping up.
Power Uploader
Feb 4, 2018
just read it on Mangaplus lol

@ everyoneelse

Most of the series taken down from WSJ, which already has legal worldwide free means to be read. Just read them in Mangaplus if you're cheap ffs or at VIZ if you're willing to spend 2 bucks for the entire backlog
Apr 23, 2019

So? Blame the scanlator for having a hissy fit then.

"Wah the manga I'm translating illegally is being sniped by someone who is also translating illegally, woe is me I'm going to drop this series."

There is no moral high ground when you're illegally scanlating manga. If you've got manga permission, that's another matter, though very unlikely. If you want to get more views, release quicker, or start on a new series. It's really the scanlators choice.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
And to all those who got offended about people telling you to release them without delay, know that there are people that get offended by you all saying that the users are toxic, as if all the users are toxic, that the whole website is full of toxic users, when there are so many that are not.

this is a matter of a "spoiled apple ruins the barrel" If there's one asshole in a class of 50 students and the teacher doesn't address that student, that doesn't make the "2% toxicity" acceptable. Especialyl since that asshole is disturbing most/all the other 98% in the process. This is why moderation is necessary to begin with.

If MD doesn't care about toxicity, that's unfortunate but their choice. I still browse 4chan and I conform to their (lack of) rules there. But based on their own comment guidelines and my interpretation of them, I feel the moderation here is poor. Maybe that's because I'm in a 4chan situation and don't realize that my feelings on this are very different from mods'. Maybe it's because there isn't enough manpower on the situation. IMO the OP made it sound like the former, so clarification would be appreciated.
Jun 11, 2019
I was worried about reading this because of the utter toxicity the other thread disintegrated into (haah so much about moderation hmm), but I'm pleasantly surprised. People are being decent here. This is like. This we need more of.
Apr 23, 2019
@invader_retro What caused the drama is that MangaDex didn't fall to their whims. That's pretty much it. They didn't like what some sniper used as a credit panel (despite it targetting no one in particular) and tried to use rules to get them out. It didn't work, they have a hissy fit and the rest is history.
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