One of the biggest problems in manga and manhwa is conflict between concept and execution, but Kanazawa Shinnosuke, mostly know as twitter nsfw artist, gathered all his power and managed to introduce new conflict - between concept, execution and form.
Concept of 2 coworkers meeting in their private-life appearances and getting closer to each other only to find out that their new friend is actually a despised coworker is good and executed properly plot-wise. But form ruins any potential quality - in 100+ chapters we actually have worth of 3-4 chapters of normal manga, sometimes this leads to weirdly cut phrases and strange scenes due to incoordination between chapters.
And what pains me the most - all this form problems is by design. Whole story must've been intended as 5-6 chapter manga, but then author decided to drag this story for over a year without any real reason. So even waiting for couple of months to read full story won't really help - weird transitions will still damage experience.
And crisscrossing mc is cute as hell. I'm always envious of short slender guys who can do that and don't look comically awful.