@Kaarme :
> Cool is still cool, even if you can also use it in other contexts. The original meaning hasn't disappeared anywhere.
"even if you can also use it in other contexts"
That change how it's interpreted...like if it has more than one meanings...that different culture might used it differently...and that I might refer to that 'in context' meaning...
Like how the West might use 'sugoi' differently than Japanese, even if the 'original meaning hasn't disappeared anywhere'
And Japan being Japan, there's a lot of words that can be translated as 'cool' but if you swap them out the proper meaning would be different.
There's the 冷静 that you think of as calm/composed
寒 for the cold temperature (generally unpleasant/uncomfortable level)
涼 for the more refreshingly cold temperature
クール used in the manga, which IN CONTEXT is used how I said.