@Moonie-light The IF is important since this is an adaptation but
according to novelupdate spoilers. Its real, endgame spoiler was out for a while and just a few weeks ago, someone verified it when they Mtld the last novel main story chapter which had Yesuh's POV of why she chose him. Something along the lines of her seeing Yugi like an abandoned animal that no longer has a place to go back to... or something. Take note, the novel has 491 chapters so we have a lot more material to go... or even if the adaptation itself will follow the novel's direction. But korean fanbase wise, Yugi himself is the most popular male character of the series
Well that's a real story killer for me. Not the particular ending (though the reasoning seems bad) but the dragging this out for 491 chapters. It's already kind of bloated and going no place. The only thing I was sticking around for was chibi mode
@kawaii123456 Naturally, Yesuh still has some more adventures along the way if the number of chapters can be trusted, and that isn't the only reason she chose him
there's also a brief mention of him always being by her side during the coming conflicts and difficulties. So lets not be in a hurry to judge, again this is IF the adaptation follows the source material (and I'm aware you're main concern is the number of novel chapters that will probably make the story longer than expected but nothing you can do but have faith on the manhwa author). I admit, even I had a hard time believing this at first (without the verification) because it honestly feels real odd with all the Anhon focus (but since its been 40+ chapters and Yesuh has yet to actually develop any sort of relationship achievement with him and she's not moving on from Horen so far, I guess we're in for a long ride)