[...]and by now we're also learning that he's also a douchebag.
I'm not a real fan of him or anything, but I also really really don't like this modern trend of treating kids, even if they're teens, as tiny adults. They're not. They're young and impulsive, going through genuine brain biochemistry changes and major body changes, finding their identities, etc., and often without much foundation of adversarial experience yet. A lot of us did foolish things as kids, usually minor granted but sometimes only through luck. Ie., a friend of mine was 17, had just got his license, was chatting with shotgun person, me and another in the back seat, and ran right through a red light in a city late at night. And nothing happened except we were all "HOLY SHIT DAMN STOP" and nearly had heart attacks and remembered that, well, forever, so it became something we didn't do again. And again it was like 11:30pm and there were almost no pedestrians there. But that's just a probability thing, with a bit of bad luck, somebody else walking or some late biker with no lights (which does happen), that could have all gone very differently. It wasn't some inherent virtue of ours that stopped it, nor some inherent vice that caused it (none of us drank or used drugs), we were young. And high school in particular is often a mad house.
So it's worth being careful before throwing stones from our houses of glass. The point of school and growing up is to, well, grow up. People aren't fixed in stone to be judged forevermore by their teen years thankfully. His
current obsession with her without being straight forward would be more concerning, though clearly just a comedy thing here. But someone being a punk with family troubles as a kid? It'd be too their credit that they grew up better wouldn't it?