Sorry, worded incorrectly, I forgot what I was exactly thinking but at 1:03 of the second PV, the bits and pieces flying around Ray looks like baloon pieces and if you pause it there, you can see purple mist on the Ray's coat and face. But yeah, seems like I nitpicked and exaggerated too much, guess it's just the effect of unmet expectations.
Both, obviously, with Mr. Franklin until the character died of exhaustion, and with Mrs. Franklin (lel) in real life.
There are currently 10 translated Light Novel volume, and translation pretty much caught up with the raw pretty quickly, so it's really nice. The web novel raw is still a bit far, about 2 arcs (5 if we're counting Hugo's (Continued) shenanigans, Episode superior, and
War). Vol. 11 will be about Gundam vs Ghidorah IIRC.