Cylcia=Code - Vol. 4 Ch. 25

Jun 4, 2018
@Trung-t-rung I wasn't talking about the gender lock, that's a separate issue. I'm fine with it as long as it doesn't affect the gameplay, for example "Rust". You get a completely randomised avatar and you can't change it, but it's doesn't really matter because of the way the game is played. It also applies to any story driven game like Tomb Raider, Uncharted or even Doom ect.

The gender based stats thing is bullshit, but there are alot of other reasons this fictional game wouldn't be a good game in real life. The youtube channel Mother's Basement did a video relating to this subject that explains it better than I ever could. It's about Sword Art Online but many of the same arguments apply. Here's a link

@Muklas That's true, but you know as well as I do that, when starting out, most people will pick a race base on what stats are advantageous to their play style rather than personal opinion. If you want to be an archer you pick the elf and not the orc for example. So if they did include sex based stats, like men being stronger than women, if you wanted to be a warrior you would have to pick the male character just to have that slight advantage in the beginning.

That's sort of the philosophical crux of game design. Balancing what's "real" or what is perceived to be "real" with player choice.
Jul 9, 2018
That's true, but you know as well as I do that, when starting out, most people will pick a race base on what stats are advantageous to their play style rather than personal opinion. If you want to be an archer you pick the elf and not the orc for example. So if they did include sex based stats, like men being stronger than women, if you wanted to be a warrior you would have to pick the male character just to have that slight advantage in the beginning.

So replace race with genders then what're the differences then? You want to be better than an elf archer as a human archer during the beginning, well, that's impossible because your stat related to archery is not as high as an elf race char, same applied to male or female.

And don't bring a video into this, unless you can summarize the points related to the current discussion. I personally don't like Mother's Basement and his retarded opinions, thus refuse to watch any of his vids. I'd rather hear/read it directly from you.

The gender-locked class does affect the gameplay, because players can't play certain classes unless they chose a specific gender. And that is even more restricted than the whole "base stat on gender" which can be solved with equipment and class.
Jun 4, 2018
So replace race with genders then what're the differences then? ... The gender-locked class does affect the gameplay, because players can't play certain classes unless they chose a specific gender. And that is even more restricted than the whole "base stat on gender" which can be solved with equipment and class

You're right, so why would want to limit player choice more than you already have. In the end this just comes down to personal opinion; I don't think the practice is fundamentally wrong, but I do think it unnecessarily limits roleplay. I mean, in a roleplaying game that seems silly. Especially if you're talking about super advanced VRMMO with ultra realistic holograms (or whatever) I would think people would want more choice not less.

Sorry I brought up a video you don't like, it was just meant to be a reference that was related to the topic. But if you want a specific point; This game is supposedly popular, state of the art ect., so that mean tens of millions of dollars must have been spent making a game like this, with hundreds of employees and NO ONE noticed that it was going to turn the whole city into a playfield and hold tens of thousands of people hostage. The story isn't over yet and maybe they come up with a compelling reason for it but I doubt it.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2018
@Jorelm you obviously never played PSO, that one have different stats between gender and races, the author probably use/inspired by PSO for the base stat difference thingy, since PSO are quite popular MMO in Japan
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Jorelm I don't know what games you've been playing, but I always pick my characters by what skills I want to use, and what i want them to look like. It's my personal preference filtered down by what the games will allow, if I feel like being an Orc, and being an Archer, then I would pick an Orc Archer, unless that combination is blocked, then I would settle for giving another race character the orcish traits I had picked out. I would very rarely pick the obvious Elf Ranger type, for instance, it's too obvious, cliche.

Also, early game means nothing, the enemies are generally easy. So I tend to level the skills I know I won't be relying on later, raising melee skills on my mages, ranged skills on my warriors, heavy armor on my papier mache characters, and generally raising magic on anything that will allow it. You can worry about stat advantages later, when there are actual consequences to a bad build.

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