Literally contradictory statements. "It IS surprising..." or "It's surprising..." Or considering the quality of translation on here, "great" actually should be translated as "terrible". Who knows! Not the person who can't read English trying to translate Japanese into it, that's for sure.As we expected, this drop rate is great. It's not surprising no one has obtained it.
Maybe not many explorers has come this deep!
the manga has surprisingly able to translate a lot of context from the novel nglI don't have high hopes for the fight, the way it was written in the light novel was pretty interesting but I don't think it will translate well into the manga.
We can at least hope they do well; the original team seem competent in representing the original scenes, and at least action scenes don't need massive amounts of translationI don't have high hopes for the fight, the way it was written in the light novel was pretty interesting but I don't think it will translate well into the manga.
Oh yeah, here's that ScamwhaShmucks quality we all know and love! And this is just one page:
Drop rate IS great - its 1/10,000 for an enemy that attacks in waves; shouldn't take many days of mowing down hundreds of enemies to get a drop.As we expected, this drop rate is great. It's not surprising no one has obtained it.
meat is life....I really hope the doggos don't get killed, just look at Olwen he's such a good boi
Bit that gets me - Miyoshi makes a big deal out of the whole "asterisk in front of their names" thing, but the scanslators didn't put one in the translated text....Seeing the Arthurs bite a gnome head off is worth the admission.
Yep! You got it! (not sarcasm, you are correct and I agree with you)Drop rate IS great - its 1/10,000 for an enemy that attacks in waves; shouldn't take many days of mowing down hundreds of enemies to get a drop.
Otherworldly Language Comprehension, by contrast, is only dropped (so far) by boss characters, so it's 10x drop rate over Mining is not in practice that great.
Yeah. it isn't great translation work. But honestly, I am not in a position to talk as I couldn't read the original text if I tried - I am largely just cross-referencing against the LN (while curious how the WN differs, given the author notes at the end seem to indicate quite heavy changes at times)Yep! You got it! (not sarcasm, you are correct and I agree with you)
It's almost like paying attention to the context of words and sentence is important, and simply regurgitating MTL will inevitably make for bad translation, especially into a language you aren't fluent in.
It's not even a translation error though: it's literally contradictory statements that even a novice editor fluent in English would have caught.Yeah. it isn't great translation work. But honestly, I am not in a position to talk as I couldn't read the original text if I tried - I am largely just cross-referencing against the LN (while curious how the WN differs, given the author notes at the end seem to indicate quite heavy changes at times)
If you download your own copy, you can always correct thatIt's not even a translation error though: it's literally contradictory statements that even a novice editor fluent in English would have caught.
The mansion, or this temple?not even that long and i'm already lost about the mansion thing, but me not understanding it when i first read the chapter really didn't help
I assume the author is using a library of different myths to source their data from. In this case, it will be "Oral Literature of the Maasai" by Naomi Kipuri, which you can find on z-library.As a Kenyan I can confirm that the mythology in this series is surprisingly accurate