Dad Is a Hero, Mom Is a Spirit, I'm a Reincarnator - Vol. 3 Ch. 14

Oct 10, 2019
You know what they say. Two wrongs don't make a right. The ancient king was wrong in sacrificing the lesser spirits in order to force open the gate of the spirit world and forcing the spirit queen to lend her aid immediately (they needed preparation but no the king had to be an impatient asshole) and later built a fcking castle on top of the spirit hill making things worse. But now instead of taking the correct way to reconciliation, the current king is scheming against Rovel's family(and by proxy the spirits themselves) to forcefully bypass the curse through the planned marriage of his son to Ellen. Obviously this only serves to further angry the spirits. Don't forget he even brought down his father as a consequence of him trying to forcefully maintain the royal family influences over Rovel's family by falsifying official document for his ugly ass sister that cheated on Rovel's brother and wasted the family's fortune. The current king is just as terrible as the ancient king but far more cunning.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@IMACOP The curse is justified. It's not causing them suffering, it merely amounts to a restraining order. The suffering/longing is self-inflicted. The spirits want nothing to do with them, since they have demonstrated just how little they care about spirits. Not only did the ancient king massacre spirits, a current member of the royal family is scheming and plotting to use the daughter of their Queen. Even without the curse, no spirit that is aware of their actions would deal with them in any way, and might even get violent if approached. In that sense, the curse actually protects the royal family.

They had to have known about the cause of the curse. You expect me to believe the ancient king massacred spirits to gain their favor, and was cursed right after doing so, yet was completely unaware of the cause of said curse? Bull. Shit. It he was, he's a complete moron and should never have been given the throne. To not even speak of the other members of government, at best watching the massacre happen, at worst actively aiding the king. Not a single one of them realized, or told their offspring? No, the spirits are blameless in this. Royals fucked up, spirits want nothing to do with them. The spirits have no obligation to tell the royals about something they should already know.

They don't move out of self-interest? The country already had good relations with the spirits, through Rovel. Yet the royals, instead of maintaining good relations with the one noble family capable of what the country lacks, schemed against Rovel's family out of self-interest. The royal family doesn't need spirit help, when their subordinate already has it. For the good of the people, the crown needs to maintain good relations with their vassals. Not allow a princess to ruin the family of the King's right hand man, the man who gave his life to protect the country and people. Not plant a spy in said family. Not plan to publicly shame the current head of said family, in an attempt to force a political marriage. Not scheme to use a young child, the daughter of the human hero and the spirit Queen, i.e. the two most powerful beings from their respective species.
Oct 14, 2019
Wwooooaaahhh... I like how everyone's lashing out and cursing tha Royal Family. It puts me in ease that most of you are taking my hate towards them bit by bit. It was a great read both the manga and the comments. I was supposed to freaking go wild👹 too but thanks to everyone in the comment section, it has been taken care of. But I do hope that freaking Next-in-line-King would straighten out his taughts. He is leaving me no choice but to hope that Ellen doesn't end together with Gadielle(?) even though he's cute and pure😍😭. I honestly think it's only that What's-his-name-wannabe-King is the bad guy and the current King is actually somewhat a decent human-acting-as-King. And no Mr. Wannabe-King should not be painted as someone good just because he may possibly be just a good guy just for wanting to secure the Kingdoms' safety but we all should really at least doubt him, if that thing he said to his son, Gadielle(?), is what he truly has in mind (and I read some good points here in this comment section), that is the kingdoms best interest in his heart or mind then he shouldn't have made things so sour between the Royal Family and the Vankreift(?) Family. Anyone with a sane mind and pure heart wouldn't do what he did, that was obviously the wrong choice no matter the situation, I guess? But we never know, what if Mr. King-wannbe just has a twisted mind due to twisted upbringing (we never really had the chance to see who the queen of the current kingdom is, maybe she's that evil? Hahahaha) or he had an entirely different plan than what was being portrayed and just hasn't been explained by the story so far. Aaaaaaahhhhhh 😣 I wish things would get settled out and that only those with impure thoughts and schemes would be punished, I' d hate to see those innocent people getting involved with the punishments. Also that fricky-dicky Aria, what's your deal huh? So what if Mr. Rovel is handsome, huh?!! You still should not have done that if you were truly in love wirh Mr. Sauvel. Yeah, I get why you would've been amazed or even started to idoloze Mr. Rovel but that was no freaking excuse to be kinda falling in love with our dear Ellens' father!!?? I see your dumbstricken move slightly more troubling than that mean guys scheming, to be honest. You're such a pain in the butt Aria, know who your heart lies with not who your body wants, bichhh. Enough of her, I still kinda wanna ship little-pure-Prince with our dear Ellen. Aannnddd Go Mrs. Ori and Mr. Rovel!!! Your daughter is too cute that I can already see many suitors when she grows up hohohohoho. It seems it still ended with me ranting about a different thing but all is well that ends well (was that right?) 🤔😅

BTW: Thank you Author and Translating Team for this job well done manga. Hope you continue this good job and may you have great health always ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Double-page supporter
Aug 15, 2018
I look forward to seeing how the kind little prince will attempt to atone for his ancestors’ - including his prick of a father’s - sins.
Jun 25, 2018
@Aichan because i have been reading some spoilers tags and some people are saying that
she was two timing and plotting to kill the little brother
i wanted to see if that is really true
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018

Tell USA to get rid of all their nukes and completely restrict them of ever gaining nukes, while surrounded by hostile nations like Russia, China and North Korean with nukes, aiming at them. That's pretty much what the spirits are to the people in this world. Anyway, whether the curse is justified or not is irrelevant, since no one is saying that they shouldn't be cursed or whatnot.

"They had to have known about the cause of the curse..." -
you can take it up with the author for that, because that's really the case.

The royals did not have this problem when Rovel's father was alive. It's Rovel that is the issue, because he is a grade-A bastard with no loyalties while possessing the tactical nuke that the kingdom needs to survive. The princess was the one who scheme and cause the death of Rovel's father, to get Rovel. And when both Rovel and his father was gone, the king only agreed to let the princess marry Rovel's brother to secure whatever is left of Rovel's house, because their name still mean something. Both current and previous king did not expect the princess to be SSS rank trash. With the return of their uncontrollably hostile ICBM Rovel, the current king have no choice but to try anything to ensure Rovel stays under his control, to protect the kingdom. The self-interest involved here is the interest of the kingdom, not the royal family. Which was why the current king berated his son when the prince said that although he knows it's his aunt fault, he still can't just bless the new marriage because he is still his aunt.

Also, all of this is done from the king's perceptive and what he believes is best. As their king, he'll blackmail, lie, scheme, whatever, to protect his people. On the other hand, look at Rovel, he is the one person that can inform them of their error and solve this problem, but since forever, he'd been criticizing, hating, looking down on them self-righteously on his high horse without even knowing the reason himself (when he's young but that's also why he's loved by MC mother.) and all he cares about is his household - not saying that's wrong, just that he's also the type of typical noble that don't give two shits about the duty that he's sworn to do, while screaming at any slight against his household's position.

@Miros It's
many-timing, and one of the lovers plotted to kill uncle-san.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
Are minor spirits like mortals who live on the planet? do they live between both worlds or just on the mortal plane? I feel like lots has been left out in this chapter
Jun 25, 2018
@IMACOP that Fucking bitch
sorry to be a pain in the ass but are we gonna see justice soon or the little brother will just suffer for a while with that cheating wife?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018
Their story will be shafted for awhile, and it'll pop out later after an arc or two, if I remembered correctly.


Active member
Jul 2, 2019
For all the talk of the royal family not knowing why they are cursed. Am I really expected to believe they didn't write that down? Not telling the kids is one thing, but it's kinda silly to think they don't brief the new king on the family/kingdom's secrets when they ascend to the throne. I've been working under the assumption that the current king was aware of it.

It could make sense to keep that from your soldiers, but why would you erase record of it in general? It seems like they would be sabotaging their own family if they did that. Expecting your enemies to keep you informed on your crimes is silly if they've already punished you. They shouldn't be obligated to make amends with people who are actively hostile with them anyway.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
Royal family likely knows what they did. Really doubt it they didn't keep any records of the ritual to open the door to the spirit world.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@IMACOP The problem with that analogy is, the country already has nukes. It's just not personally controlled by the royal family, but a mere vassal family. The country has spirit protection, via Rovel's family. The royal family does not. If all they want is the best for the people, just don't fucking antagonize the people holding the 'nukes'.

The royals did not have this problem when Rovel's father was alive. It's Rovel that is the issue, because he is a grade-A bastard with no loyalties while possessing the tactical nuke that the kingdom needs to survive. The princess was the one who scheme and cause the death of Rovel's father, to get Rovel.

Double standards. Rovel is the "grade-A bastard", when the royal family schemed to kill his father that wasn't even a problem? The princess is part of the royal family, thus the royal family are responsible for her actions. Also, please provide a source for the claim that Rovel is "a grade-A bastard". So far, all I'm aware of is that he broke off his engagement because the princess is trash, and that he died to protect his country.

Judging by all we've seen the royal family do, past and present, and Rovel's intense sense of justice, I'm more inclined to believe Rovel is justified in "criticizing, hating, looking down on them self-righteously on his high horse". The royal family is complete trash, so of course he hates them.

Edit: Also, I want to know just why you insist the crown prince/king-to-be must be a good person just because he claims to have the people's interests at heart? Origin is one of three goddesses governing all of creation, meaning they have to consider what is best for everything and not just one country. Yet the crown prince is just when scheming against her family?

Edit 2: Sorry.
Also, all of this is done from the king's perceptive and what he believes is best. As their king, he'll blackmail, lie, scheme, whatever, to protect his people. On the other hand, look at Rovel, he is the one person that can inform them of their error and solve this problem, but since forever, he'd been criticizing, hating, looking down on them self-righteously on his high horse without even knowing the reason himself (when he's young but that's also why he's loved by MC mother.) and all he cares about is his household - not saying that's wrong, just that he's also the type of typical noble that don't give two shits about the duty that he's sworn to do, while screaming at any slight against his household's position.
Rovel cares a lot about "the duty he's sworn to do". When he promises to return, the emphasis is on the people and territory
Jan 24, 2019

I also think the curse is justice. Imangen it as a poster for all spirits that says "this bloodline murdered our brother and sisters unjustified!"
Honestly would you like to follow orders or work for someone who murder you family?
And Rovel is no bastard! The selfishness and greed that runs in the royal bloodline caused his and his father's death. Rovel was safed by turning him to an halfspirit so he no longer consider himself as an subordinate of the empire but of the spirits who prolonged his life. He is only loyal towards his family and the spirits. Why does it makes him a bastard in your eyes???
The curse was meant to teach the royal bloodline reverence, restrain and respect towards the spirits. Like the pure hearted prince.
Maybe the curse will become loose by time when this selfishness will kept in check. But who knows when the spirits will forgive the royal bloodline
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018
@lan2001h Except no one is arguing whether the curse is just or not? I wonder why people keep bringing this up...

@cor3zone And Rovel, the guy with the nukes is an uncontrollable openly hostile dick, even without antagonizing him. To the royals, he is someone that'll blow the kingdom up as much as their enemies, that's why they're messing with him to keep him in check.

What double standards? The princess schemed the death of Rovel's father, it was against the intentions of the previous and current king. But if you must pin the blame of one wayward princess actions on the entire family, then I'm guessing you aren't satisfied with our current modern laws and want the innocent family members of a murderer punished along with the criminal himself, eh?

His "grade A bastard" attitude stems from the fact that his "criticizing, hating, looking down on them self-righteously on his high horse" started when he was young, when he don't even have the slightest clue as to why the spirit hate the royals and is just him condemning the other party without any valid reason other than because he can. This reveals just what kind of person he really is. This isn't something new that only happened recently. It's the whole reason MC mother fell for him. Not because of his justice (since he don't even know the reason), not because he is right, but because he hates and condemned the royals.

Finally, I have never said anything about anyone being good or bad. Neither Rovel, nor the king. Rather, I wrote "As their king, he'll blackmail, lie, scheme, whatever, to protect his people", which part of that sounds like me praising the king to be the goodest man ever? As for the goddesses, they (or to be specific, two of them) don't care about what's best. One only cares about being faithful and shit, while Origin is shown to be a completely bias air-headed, prone to jealousy fit goddess.

EDIT: "Rovel cares a lot about "the duty he's sworn to do". When he promises to return, the emphasis is on the people and territory" - Good, I take back what I said about him not caring for the people. But the bastard still holds.
Jan 24, 2019

Do you can't stand Rovels atitude so you call him an bastard? 🤔
Well there are people you don't like, people you just ignore( by feeling nothing toward them) and people you sympathize with. So that's fine with me and I can understand your point.

And by the way the reason why people keep coming with the curse is because you sound like you don't like Rovel because he is on the spirits side and supporting the curse
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018
@lan2001h Eh, it's one's attitude that makes one a bastard, or not...

Sounds like? I guess you're right. Afterall, someone's constantly bringing up right and wrong, good and bad, even though I never said anything of the sort.
Jan 24, 2019

That's not entirely right. His high horse atitude is just towards his subordinates ( what is justified because he is in some sense their boss) and your so called high horse atitude towards the royals is in truth hostility and hate.
Considering what the princess did and no one of her family teaches her better or stopped her and the fact he knows why the crown prince want Rovels daughter and that put her in danger to 100 percent it's understandable.

Everyone has more than one atitude ( I believe even you act at work and in private differently) just real bastards have just one arrogant atitude
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018
@lan2001h High horse towards the royals, when I say that, it's because while he is in a position of ignorance, he still readily condemned the royals. Hmm, say, a couple have broken up and you see the guy asking the girl for a response. You don't know the cause, you don't know who is at fault, but you immediately say it's the guys fault and look down on him. What the princess or royals did recently, is irrelevant, because that's the kind of attitude and mentally Rovel have and had displayed since young. That's why, he's a bastard.

And I disagree, no matter the different faces you show, if you're a bastard at heart, you're a bastard. There's no "real bastard", a bastard is a bastard.

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