Dad Is a Hero, Mom Is a Spirit, I'm a Reincarnator - Vol. 5 Ch. 27

Active member
Feb 16, 2018
Man, this book started off so promising and now it's becoming worse and worse with each chapter. Needs to improve in a hurry or I'm done.
Nov 2, 2019
I feel like this series would be better off if we stopped raising issues with the human-side of the family. It's understandable that their family intertwines with the royal family's fate, so the initial arc was fine, but this is just annoying now. The uncle is basically a mob character, he's uninteresting, a shit father, and a shit manager of the house. MC and her parents barely give a shit about the human family, so why should the reader.
Active member
May 26, 2019
how sad. literally no one cares about this random ass side character
Active member
Aug 5, 2018
Hmmmmm the f*cking title wasn't lying. The image is lying though.
Shows us the MC being full of smiles but as of chapter 20 or so she is mostly sad.

Seriously I thought this was going to be a light hearted manga but the Brother is useless in decision making.
It's already a blessing for him to not have been punched to oblivion by the SPIRIT he was shouting at.
ALL the spirits just Tolerate him due to his relation with Ravel and MC.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 1, 2019
“You claim to only serve and protect Ellen yet chose not to save Ellen cousin from kidnappers which consequently would cause Ellen more danger since she would try to save Lafilia due to her views on family, strange isn’t that?”

-Ben Shapiro
May 5, 2018
I’m taking a break from this manga, maybe wait for a dozen or so chapters to be released... that side chara just pisses me off too much atm
Dex-chan lover
Mar 22, 2018
@Elmithian @1idd0kun

Yes, in terms of being a father, Sauvel has pretty much failed so far.
Him being a noble since birth doesn't realize his daughter raised as a commoner would have difficulties adjusting to her new status.
He also fails to realize that Lafilia having lacked a father figure most of her life would want his attention more because she is told he is her biological father and thus want to connect with him.

Major spoiler warnings about Aria

Aria makes some shady actions while at the mansion, iirc she secretly sold some furniture for money for some reason and thus a secret investigation about her happens. It is found out that she had been in relationships with other men, four other men to be exact, just before the wedding and after her wedding the number was reduced to two as two of the guys felt betrayed by her getting married. One of two that stayed in relationships with her actually became serious enough to target Sauvel's life.

The reason why that guy became serious enough to try and kill Sauvel is because Aria was spreading stories about how her new married life as a noble wasn't good. That she was being bullied by both her new family and their servants. She was being ignored and all that. But no one really believed those stories because the family she married into had a more credible reputation than her stories. They were literally a family of heroes who would sacrifice themselves for the kingdom. Only that one guy would believe Aria's sob stories(lies) over the family's reputation of being the heroic and loyal noble family who fights for the people, especially with Ellen helping enhance it with her random acts. Most people would accept the family's word over Aria's.

Ultimately it is said that Aria is a woman who uses men for her own conveniences. She was looking at Sauvel, more particularly Rovell as good stock for her to try and go after. She ultimately failed to get Rovell due to a number of things. Like the threat of her killed by the royal family if there was any chance that Rovell might disappear at random cause they need Rovell to stave off the threat of foreign invaders. Or the threat of the spirits/gods also crushing her.

Lafilia has no idea of all of this because Aria didn't let her see any of her true self.

When the judgment mark on Aria's wrists were shown again since she was wearing gloves more often. It's found out the judgment marks spread to her hands, meaning she never repented and continued to do what she did, despite Sauvel believing in her.

Ellen ultimately snaps and manipulates the judgment marks to spread all over Aria's body like insects crawling all over her skin, spreading to the point up to the neck and leaving the face unmarked. With a judgment later made at the judicial hearing, Aria is no longer able to approach men, and her body is stuck the way it is.

Lafilia still worried about her mother attempts to find her when Aria suddenly disappears from the mansion, but is devasted to find out that Aria has run away somewhere without her, basically abandoning her. Lafilia will reconcile with both Sauvel and Ellen for everything and they become closer family.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 22, 2018
Aria's basic shady actions were pretty much
1. Making up sob stories how her new married life is horrible. Her new husband ignores her, the family is mean to her, the servants are bad to her, etc etc.
2. She starts doing things like secretly selling items of the mansion for money for some reason
3. She still sees two men who she had been in relationships with prior to her getting married. She used to be in four other relationships but two of them left her feeling betrayed from hearing about her getting married.

Her past is pretty much in my earlier comment to Soulwarfare. So read that.

Long story short, she's a cheating wife and not even remotely loyal. And only thinks about herself. Abandons her daughter too without a second thought.
Group Leader
Oct 14, 2020
whats-her-name was kidnapped, you say? oh no!

anyways, dude just blamed the spirit when he himself basically failed at being a father
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2019
You barely looked at her why are you surprised when you can't see her?
Aggregator gang
Jun 30, 2018
Aww all it took for him to notice her was for her to be kidnapped <3 LMAO god I pity this girl
Aggregator gang
Jul 8, 2018
Wow a little disappointed about her character. I was hoping that Aria might have been better, but I guess she is a bitch and always will be. I'm honestly surprised that Sauvel married such a garbage woman, but he is kind of dumb as well.

Thanks for the spoiler
Dex-chan lover
Mar 22, 2018
What I put in is based on the WN version of events. We might have a chance it got changed when going to LN but based on how she acted in a number of scenes in the manga. I sorta doubt it.
Aria knows how to play men in general. Just doesn't work on Rovel. Considering that Sauvel was forced to marry that princess earlier and how he despaired how she was doing whatever she pleased despite how many times he tried to stop her, it's little wonder that any woman treating him nice would make him easy to target.

One of Ori's sisters already figured that Aria was bad. But they tried to believe for Sauvel's sake since he truly believed in her that she would be different from the princess. But in the end Aria just unredeemable.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2018
I'm actually surprised that they didn't find out about her sleeping with 4 dudes before she married him? like isn't he royalty? don't they do background check for shit like this? I mean she's a commoner marrying a royal and not just any royal but the hero's brother.......def should've done a background check,
its moments like this that make me feel like everyone in this series is stupid as fuck, like for example with him knowing that spirits hate humans and then he still screamed at the tiger dude for not caring about a human girl getting kidnapped LOL like bruh spirits only care for MC.....

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