That's... not actually happening? Intensely gender dysphoric minors can be prescribed something to delay natural hormones (puberty blockers) but there is a LOT of hoops to jump and there's not a single case I'm aware of where the doctor is the one taking the initiative. As it is, the barrier is only getting higher and it's now affecting a lot of adults trying to get hormone blockers of their own.
Actually it is happening because the doctors are the ones making the diagnosis and writing the prescription.
Do you think people just walk in there and say: "hey doc, I think I have gender dysphoria. Can you write me up a prescription so I can go take some drugs that are definitely going to affect my whole life?" "Sure thing, my child, I only studied and practice medicine for years of my life only so I can write up prescriptions for moody kids."
And like, even if this is a commentary it'd be pro the fearmongering version of the truth. Which, I think we can both agree, would be a completely fucked up thing if it there was a widespread network of doctors pushing hormones. I've never heard of a single minor being prescribed hormones and I think it might actually be dangerous to do so.
Yeah well I have never met a drug dealer in my life but apparently the news tells me that there is an epidemic of drugs in the world. "I always thought people were just weird."
Incidentally, speaking as someone who had a severely gender dysphoric youth in the late 80's and early 90's, puberty was... one of the most traumatizing things that ever happened to me. It's like participating in a body horror film like the Fly but with the twisted bonus of everyone around you cheering it on while you're screaming on the inside. Loved ones happy to watch "nature" mutilate your body while you realize just how alone you are.
Which, let's face it -- a lot of gender bender stories, if written realistically, would have some characters experiencing that mental and emotional place firsthand. I have to suspend my disbelief and even overlook unethical things manga characters do to get to the part with blushing/cute former boys... but this manga really pushed it to breaking point. Even if they weren't exposed now, I imagine if a student got fixified and then offed themselves the school getting exposed would be inevitable.
Do you know who else has a bad teenager youth. Everyone. Yeah, everyone has bad awkward teenager life.
One minute you are a Micauley Caulkin the next your face is full of zits, hands full of warts. Voice sounds like a door hinge, shoes and clothes don't fit. And painful tents in your pants until you get used to the pain.
If you are a clean freak then it is worst nightmare imaginable.
There should be a special doctors for teenagers but no one goes to them because everyone is afraid of doctors.
As for realism: if there was any realism in this, people would not love it, they would turn away in disgust. Watching a man have his penis (which has the most nerves in the whole body) shrink back in the body would be something of nightmares.
But, the only thing this manga got is the fakeness of girls. The most stereotypical aspects of girls. Everyone thinking: "if only I could magically turn into a girl my problems would be solved." Reality is like: "yeah, I tell that to everyone who ever buys weightloss supplements. It does basically nothing but you feel like it does."
If we can't do real gender change, at least they could have shown ugly boys turning into ugly girls. But because the artist is a giant GB fetishist, everyone is just Kagome from Inuyasha.
Nothing about it is realistic. The only thing it kind of catches right is how little the doctors care for kids with gender dysphoria.
I am not saying this is wrong, I am just saying: "when I go see an doctor about my diabetes, he should welcome me at the door with an ice cream to make me feel better, too."
BTW hard agree they could have and should have built up Kouta more. I loved the payoff with them but it wasn't as earned as it could've been.
I am angry about this because it feels like the author is writing about something but not getting the essence.
People become trans because they have gender dysphoria and because they most likely are gay. Trans people don't just go trans because they hate their bodies and are still straight.
Again the author is really in love with turning perfectly stereotypical boys from manga into stereotypical manga girls and that is all there is to it.
I am gonna tell you right now: if the boys I know in junior high turned into girls, they wouldn't wear dresses, they wouldn't wear make up or do their hair. They would dress as they always do, hang out with the boys and play football or baseball with the boys. I know this because that is what tomboy girls did. And they were very fun to be around.
None of the kids in this manga are boys... they're stereotypical cute anime girls waiting to shed the clothes that is their boy suits...