Danjohi 1:5 no Sekai demo Futsu ni Ikirareru to Omotta? ~ Geki Juu Kanjou na Kanojotachi ga Mujikaku Danshi ni Honrousaretara - Ch. 3

Group Leader
Apr 19, 2023
So that was his job?! Wtf... didn't see that coming... next chapter will probably be fun~
Also Yuika-chan is so cute!

@love09 You are definitely the better tl than the one from chapter 2~ So thanks for translating it again~ If there is something missing it's the suffixes as this series plays in japan they are really missing, they also show what kind of relationship mc has with the girls like how does he call that women that found him? Perhaps he calls her with -san, -sama or does he call perhaps onee-san? And does he call Yuika with -chan?
Would be really glad if you added them if they are in the raws~
I'm not really missing any suffix that are in the raws. He isn't using any suffix with yuka and only calls her yuka. As for the woman that found him, he has never once used her name except introducing her. Maybe we could know more about their relationship further in the story.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 29, 2024
She's the most proactive and the most physically aggressive, but she's not the most obsessive by any stretch. None of the other four heroines even come close to being as batshit obsessed with Masato as Seira is.

Yuka is a young girl in love who takes it too far because the guy she's into never rebuffs her advances; hell, he actively creates opportunities for her. Seira, on the other hand, is a grown ass woman who stalks, spends every minute obsessing over, and blows half her weekly paycheck on a 19 year-old she sees a few hours a week at his job at a fucking host club. One is childish, naive, and horny - the other is out of her god damn mind.

There's a reason that Seira is the only heroine Masato actively rebukes. She's so clingy and possessive that he becomes genuinely afraid of her. Hell, after her introduction, his guardian straight up tells him to watch his back because she's the kind of woman who might straight up rape him.
Sounds like my kinda gal :02:
Dex-chan lover
Jul 28, 2018
I still never get the logic where the person falls face forward to where someone goes to catch them only to end up in a mounting position of the helper being on the ground. Anyways I know Masato is trying to establish boundaries but that won't stop Yuka from chasing after him especially smelling his towel. Can't wait for Koumi to meet her because that is going to be deadly. Let's see what Seira will bring to the story if Masato is working at a host bar/club. Thanks for the translations.
Who needs logic, when you have plot?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2018
Ya know when I think on the distribution of male to female in this world, I wonder if the kids mom would actually encourage Yuka to try and slowly win the guy over despite the age gap to snag a guy early. Would almost make sense in a messed up way haha.
Group Leader
Sep 27, 2023
I gotchu, friend:


The translation isn't complete, though it's only a few chapters behind. I think the novel is nearing completion, or possibly already finished.
link brings me to a page not found ;(

But using it I found https://zetrotranslation.com/novel/someone- who-believes-they-can-live-normally-in-a-world-where-chastity-is-reversed-did-you-think-you-could-live-normally-in-a- world-with-a-male-to-female-ratio-of-15/
(remove the 2 spaces)
Dex-chan lover
Sep 9, 2024
Weird. That's the exact same link I posted. I even checked that it was working. I'm the future I'll just tell people to check Google "Zetro Translations" and "1:5."

EDIT: Seems when I posted it later in the thread it was fine, but not the link in that specific comment. Must have fucked something up somehow.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 9, 2019
She reminds me of the Fire Sisters and Nadeko... all in one.
That's it, she is my favorite so far.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 17, 2018

He works as a host in a host club! I thought he would be working in a cafe or something. I don't know why it surprised me so much. I'm sure this place is raking money.

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