I've said these before, and I'll say them again:
1) I've always found depictions of rugged Tomboys in Manga to be funny, because in Appalachia, they were known for having long hair, no makeup, very baggy clothes (sometimes even long sleeves), and ballcaps. Usually short hair and light clothing on a women meant "feminist", which is definitely not what manga goes for lol. Idk if my region of America is weird, or Japan is weird. (Probably both)
2) I see what you're doing, Abe. Your movement lives on! Though tbh, I would always recommend marrying young. I wish I had. Meh, 24 or 25 is not horrible by modern American standards, though I'd have preferred to have gotten engaged sooner, married by 23. Kids asap. I was never the most fit or masculine guy (by modern standards) until a few years ago. Whatever you Japanese are doing wrong, sometimes you just gotta go American and YOLO it for love.
3) Speaking of YOLOing it for love, why does that never seem to happen here? Why is this trope always "arranged for family money"? Granted I'm not opposed to arranged marriage, but I can guarentee much of the audience doesn't come from a family able to make that happen lol. Maybe it's supposed to emphasize the filial piety? idk