Daybreaking Romance - Ch. 10

Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Sooner or later, a lesbian bitch friend of the female lead always seems to appear out of the woodwork to hate the male lead and interfere in his relationship with the female lead. It only took 10 chapters this time. Now, not only does he have a sunbae that wants to see him dead, he also has a lesbian bitch that also wants to see him dead. And he still doesn't know what happened that fateful night and whether or not Gwangchae likes him or hates him. This story is going downhill pretty rapidly.


Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
I think this fits into the "he asked her out when he was drunk and she agreed" theory. If he did, then him asking her what she thinks about him after all this time(during which G thought they were dating) would be perceived as him just fucking around with her, creating another shitty misunderstanding.

On a side note, why is every character with balls in this webtoon female?
Feb 21, 2020
My theory is that Saebyeok asked Gwangchae out when he was drunk and crying, and she probably agreed. So they're probably going out but their relationship is more like.....friends and Saebyeok has no idea? Well lets see how the next chapter will turn lol
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@ Purplelibraryguy
Answer must have been fairly positive for her to be that annoyed about it.

That's true. I didn't think of that. If that's so, it will be even more difficult for Saebyeok to get close to Gwangchae with Hyoshin in the way. On the other hand, Saebyeok will probably think that Gwangchae hates him and that's why Hyoshin won't talk to him and tell him what Gwangchae said. Saebyeok really is digging his own grave.
Group Leader
Apr 15, 2019
Hi @FredFriendly ,
I'm from Cinnamon Roll Scans, a lot of our staff read the comments on the chapters and if you have a problem with the series, then please refrain from reading it.
Jan 19, 2018
Awww haha poor guy. But yeah I'm pretty sure it was a good response if the friend was annoyed with him afterwards.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Hi FredFriendly ,
I'm from Cinnamon Roll Scans, a lot of our staff read the comments on the chapters and if you have a problem with the series, then please refrain from reading it.

If you and your collaborators get all flustered and edgy because someone leaves comments that you do not like about a series that you are scanlating (but not the scanlation itself), then perhaps the best thing for you folks to do would be to abandon the project as you are far to sensitive and are confusing criticism of the series with criticism of the scanlation.

You are like so many other people here who, when someone leaves a comment you don't like, you tell them to drop the series. I have just as much right to comment here as anyone else, whether my comments agree with yours or not. This is outside of the fact that I have not said anything that would indicate that I do not like the series.
And, I already have a mother so I don't need you or anyone else to tell me what I should or should not do. Instead, how about engaging in an intelligent conversation instead of rudely telling me to stop reading the series. Oh, just so you know, I read the raws long before you publish your scanlation.
Jul 10, 2020
@FredFriendly I think the persom from the group replied to you because you went a bit too far with the lesbian bitch imo;; of course you're free to criticize but c'mon let's try to be nice mate ^^

Also y'all I bet saebyeok and gwangchae are dating or whatever gwangchae said is defo a good thing for hyoshini to be mad like that xD
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
FredFriendly I think the persom from the group replied to you because you went a bit too far with the lesbian bitch imo;; of course you're free to criticize but c'mon let's try to be nice mate ^^

How come you're not telling @Steph1016 to be nice? And why are you trying to put words in their collective mouths? They've had over 12 hours to respond to my last comment and take up my suggestion of having an intelligent conversation yet have not done so. They can speak for themselves and don't need others to do so for them and, frankly, I'd prefer to hear from them not some bystander as to what they object to in my comments. Of course, that's all besides the fact that everything I said in my original post is spot-on. Since you accuse me of going too far and not being nice, perhaps you would take the time to explain in what ways you think that since I certainly think neither is true.

Also y'all I bet saebyeok and gwangchae are dating or whatever gwangchae said is defo a good thing for hyoshini to be mad like that xD

Why is it a "good thing" for Hyoshin to be mad? Do you have something against Gwangchae and Saebyeok being in a relationship and want Hyoshin to interfere and hate Saebyeok just for being Gwangchae's boyfriend?

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