@Hobnobs "reasonable" huh? I don't think I would've replied to him if his response was at all in the neighborhood of "reasonable". I would've just nodded along.
Besides, I've seen his type a lot. And as they usually (heck, more like almost always, really) judge others, I judge them back. Pretty fair, right, Mr. Another-Edgelord?
Also, @EpidemicGuy Trolls gonna troll. But I'm feeling merciful here, so I'm feeding them some. Won't you join in? The more the merrier, after all, I can't feed the lot of them myself. 😎
Je trouve le manga "assez" fidel à la LN (dans les grandes lignes). Cependant des passage intéressant soulignant la maturité du protagoniste dans la LN(bien qu'ils n'impactent pas le développement de l'histoire) sont mis de côté. Je trouve ça dommage que l'on ne retrouve pas ces aspects dans le manga car de mon point de vue" Death march ..." est une oeuvre qui décrit un nouveau monde étant présenter par une personne assez commun et ayant des principes similaire à notre début de XXI° Siècle. Satou est comme une entité permettant de projeté directement dans ce nouveau monde un maximum de jeunes lecteurs (enfin il faut qu'il ait un peu de culture des jeux vidéos et scientifique et une culture japonaise modéré (le lycéen/lycéenne de base de nos jours) (enfin pour moi). Ce n'est qu'un point de vu rester critique.
Je trouve que le manga est bien trop épuré de ses drames.
Par exemple dans la LN toutes les homonculus sauf sauf "Nana" meurent et ans le manga elles survient. Ce qui crée une confusion chez les lecteurs du manga n'ayant jamais lu la LN, car ils s'}attendent au retour des homonculus.
Dans les premiers moment de sont arrivés dans ces nouveaux mondes fantastique on omet le voyage difficile qu'il a fait en solitude le mettant au porte de la folie a de cours instant. Ce qui a permis aussi de développer sur la question des effets des statistiques sur le corps notamment celle de l'[INT].
Aussi le donjon dans les premiers chapitre du manga est abordé trop vaguement. Ce qui ma mis en confusion.
Conclusion critique
Pour conclure je trouve que le manga respect le fils de l'histoire mais n'est pas assez analytique et critique de l'environnement fantasyque qu'entoure Satou.
Conclusion histoire
L'histoire est toujours aussi passionnante que ce soit le manga que la LN. Pure plaisir j'adore cette atmosphère calme et stable tout en étant mystérieux. J'adore!
Eng (I didn't check if it was good translated)
I find the manga "pretty" faithful to the LN (in broad outline). However, interesting passages highlighting the maturity of the protagonist in the LN (although they do not impact the development of the story) are set aside. I think it's a pity that we do not find these aspects in the manga because from my point of view "Death march ..." is a work that describes a new world being presented by a fairly common person and having similar principles to our beginning of XXI Century. Satou is like an entity allowing to project directly into this new world a maximum of young readers (well it is necessary that he has a bit of video game and scientific culture and a moderate Japanese culture (the basic high school student nowadays) (well for me). It's just a point of view to remain critical.
I find that the manga is far too pure of its dramas.
Attention Spoil!!!!!!!!!
For example in the NL all homunculus except "Nana" die and in the manga they happen. This creates confusion for readers of the manga who have never read the NL, because they expect the homunculus to return.
In the first moments of arriving in these new fantasy worlds one omits the difficult journey that he made in solitude putting him on the verge of madness has of course instant. What also allowed to develop on the question of the effects of the statistics on the body in particular that of the [INT].
Also the dungeon in the first chapters of the manga is approached too vaguely. What put me in confusion.
Critical Conclusion
To conclude I find that the manga respects the son of the story but is not analytical and critical enough of the fantasy environment that surrounds Satou.
Conclusion story
The story is always as exciting as the manga as the LN. Pure pleasure I love this calm and stable atmosphere while being mysterious. I love it!
Odd that this didn't get a second season with so much original material and Bofuri just got it today immediately after the end of the first season, they are both enjoyable shows with OP main characters. Maybe Maple get more fans because is female lead and evolve step by step losing its own "humanity" while here the mc is already maxed out, but even so Overlord got also 3 seasons. 😀
Go to novelupdates and checkout the reviews you'll realise just how trashy it is compared to Overlord.
I myself liked the anime so much,I went to read the novel only to realise it's bland af.
Only thing about this content that's worth mentioning is just as you said "Original" .
@Nafizlatan Overlord was fine in the beginning. And then the politics came in and pretty much everything went staright down to toilet. Ooo, I'm no longer interested in how I got into this world, noo, I'll just conquer it by bullshit schemes! Urgh
@Nafizlatan - Well, i read much worse isekai that had an anime adaption, Smartphone along this one aren't so bad, they are enjoyable and simple shows, yet you don't need so much sofisticated plot to enjoy something, even something bland like Bofuri can be good and have its own charisma.
But maybe you are right, they decided based on LN selling copies if a work is worth for more seasons.
@mongol13 - I like Bofuri a bit more then Overlord, personally speaking, because i like overpowered MC, Overlord have its own merits, is a serious and dramatic isekai but have very good characters backgrounds. Just want to point out that story don't matter much even if is simple, what matter is how much a show can entertain you, and i enjoyed with some degree all the isekai i mentioned above.
Good thing we will have more Re:Zero, more Slime and also Kumoko the spider will debut too. Great isekai will be released this year and the next one so i'm happy anyway.
Don't forget Mushoku Tensei,Maou Gakuen as well.
There's also a shoujo isekai going to come out,not gonna suggest that cause it's all about drama.
Funny thing is Bofuri is going to be at the bottom at the end of the year among the isekais if things don't go wrong.
@Nafizlatan - Yep, anyway we also have Bakarina the next spring season, nothing epic but is another isekai, even if shoujo or otome games are not a genre i like much.