It's just so... okay. The first few chapters had me hooked, and I really liked the introduction, but then it fell down as time went on since it just kept introducing more shonen-y aspects to what should've been a slightly grittier entry. Conceptually, the world isn't bad, and the power system is at least somewhat thought out, but the characters are so... meh. The MC was actually pretty cool in the first few chapters, but then the second other people are introduced, he just loses a lot of likeability. His friends are kind of standard and boring after a somewhat endearing first entry, his mentor is strong in a really bland way, the initial thug-level antagonist character was portrayed to be a total dipshit but then that was walked back, and his new leader or whatever is supposed to be stoic, but just feels like a hollow shell driven solely by the needs of the plot, being strong when their power is in doubt but not too strong because then the MC wouldn't have a chance to be the "cool badass hero". And speaking of the MC, he has the ultimate power set for getting stronger, but he refuses to use it, either through self-action or by bumrushing boss mobs until he can stomp them. It's a cool power set, but it makes all the conflicts feel so meaningless when he could quite literally do it all alone without anyone else being hurt, but he just refuses to do anything unless he's with other people that can get caught in the crossfire, that don't have the ability to revive after death like he does.