Need longer chapters...these chapters too short
Also Little Beach...i see what you did there.
based on raws:
this whole match finally ends on chapter 87, with some teamwork between Crim and Bianca. Bianca doing her part while Crim got the flag at the end.
Eh, kinda normal."What an incredible combo!"
Why are we here…just to suffer….Need longer chapters...these chapters too short
Also Little Beach...i see what you did there.
based on raws:
this whole match finally ends on chapter 87, with some teamwork between Crim and Bianca. Bianca doing her part while Crim got the flag at the end.
Boob physics aside, I'm really glad to see Freyja's build actually working as intended, even though she's still not playing optimally. Way back when she was first introduced and said she wanted to be a hybrid healer/tank I was worried she was going to be an incompetent pure-comedy character who somehow stumbles through the plot with sheer luck (read: author fiat).panels like this really show how good the author's sense of physics is
A girl gamer character is showing bare-minimum competence, LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOO!
Why would it be?Is griefing/win trading not ToS in this game?