I haven't a sneaking suspicion this is about to go from VRmmo to full blown isekai
MC is locked in the game for 3 whole ass months. remember Log horizon, Overlord?
No? normal. they were interresting at start, then they became pretty much self masturbating snoozefests.
IF you liked the art. Or the gimmick.
There's this "shangri-la frontier" thing, but again, the "challenges" are trivialized to such a degree that i fail to see the point. completely.
this and SLF are the exact same bloody thing. MC gets in a game with an established notoriety, gets a mc guffin, proceeds to steamroll.
yadda yadda yadda, gunfodder meat puppet friends, yadda yadda yadda, sudo politics with creepy people in power, lots of detailed nonse... with a good slouch of E-stoff.
i have yet to find a VRMMO/stuck in an mmo manga worth a shit. pre isekai AND post isekai.
that's coming from someone who had
high hopes with log horizon S1.
i'm at the point where i cant even enjoy a PS2 era/ps2 style jrpg anymore because i'm completely worn with the UI from being constantly DT'd with it by lazy artists.