Detective Conan - Vol. 100 Ch. 1059 - Pre-Show Briefing

Dex-chan lover
May 2, 2018
i wonder when the anime will be good again... it has been bad ever since it came back from corona break
May 2, 2020
Why I habe a Bad feeling, this one isn't KID at all ... Maybe Vermouth or ... Lupin III ?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
I can understand why you might think that this isn't KID, but the trend recently is for KID to be more of a comedic character. Thus, his disguises aren't perfect, because Conan stepping on his foot for saying things out of line is "funny". This has been happening over the last several KID appearances, his last serious one being on the train, and we barely saw him then. Early-series or Magic Kaito versions of KID would have done this flawlessly.

I blame the shounen genre.
Nov 14, 2019
Magic Kaito versions of KID would have done this flawlessly
Magic Kaito KID is a comedic character, would perfectly inline with "KID" in this chapter tbh.
What's suspicious is that he never confirmed himself to be KID, Conan just ran with the assumption that he was KID.
Jun 5, 2019
I could easily imagine this being either Kid or Vermouth. Throughout the chapter Conan keeps questioning the deductive ability of Kid. We've seen Kid solve cases more difficult than this. He's solved cases sometimes even faster than Conan, so it strikes me as odd that he would have trouble with this one. I say this because this case is apparently simple enough that Conan can solve it just by looking at the crime scene photos. Vermouth on the other hand doesn't have as great deductive abilities. She's smart to be sure, but she hasn't been shown to be at the same level as our other regular detectives, Kid has. She also knows of the connection between Kid and Conan, so she could be pretending to be Kid to verify how close that connection is. At one point I was thinking this might be Amuro or maybe even Akai, but neither of them know about Conan's connection to Kid (From what I remember), and I doubt vermouth would tell Amuro about it since she seems to keep information about Conan pretty close to herself. Still, despite all this, it might still be Kid because he does have Goof moments and it wouldn't surprise me if this was one of those moments.
Jan 19, 2018
We've seen Kid solve cases more difficult than this. He's solved cases sometimes even faster than Conan
Have we, though? Usually, Kid knows more background stuff and thus doesn't have to use his deductive reasoning. In Ch. 196, Kid even directly says "I can't do detective work."

Which of his cases in Conan would you say were more difficult than this one where Kid actually had to make deductions?


May 6, 2019
I don't think it's really KID. He's not a detective for sure, but he is good at solving tricks so it's weird for him to not to be able to solve that.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2018
Okay I'm just pumped that we finally got a Kaito appearance after so long ;-; I was freaking missing our conceited conniving thief damnit!
Everyone is saying that it's Vermouth because Kaito isn't too dumb but I don't think that's the case. Not that I think Kaito's dumb or anything because if he was, then he wouldn't have been able to survive as a thief for so long but I think Kaito has a plan, including that smile.
Honestly I see why people think it's Vermouth. She's not that smart despite her cunningness that she can't achieve Kaito's. But I have a feeling that she would also pay attention to detail or else she wouldn't be able to go far in her disguising skills and we've seen how scary that's been, being able to fool almost everyone as Araide-sensei. I'm not throwing away the possibility that it's her though. If it was her, I could see her planning as far back as putting the flyer in Kudo residence and disguising as a waiter to food poison Yuusaku/Yukiko and as a result, lure Conan in. But there's a major flaw in this. If Akai wasn't busy for FBI, then Yukiko would have called Akai to fill in the shoes instead of Conan, seeing that he could disguise as Yuusaku with the similar build and with his voice changer, as well as his intelligent mind, he would have no problem substituting as Yuusaku. Also, even if it weren't for Akai, for what reason Vermouth would have to infiltrate Kudo residence using Kaito as a guise? She already knows Yukiko personally and she knows Conan's identity, I see no benefit for her to go through such efforts for this.
Like I said I could be completely wrong but I'm more leaning that it's Kaito Kid because he has more of a reason to do this. First off, Kaito never wants to leave his debts unpaid so he would try to repay it as soon as possible before it hits him harder. And.. maybe through this act, Kaito could confirm his suspicions about Conan as Shinichi.
Remember in the last cases we met him, we were given hints that Kaito was given a faint idea that he knows Conan's identity, especially with a freaking big hint that he wasn't called Conan when Kaito was disguised as Agasa? I think the biggest confirmation on Kaito's part was when he says he was up against two high school detectives. (the only high school detective visible was Heiji) What happens if Kaito is playing dumb and is letting Conan solve the case in order to see first hand his deduction skills? He immediately smiled when Conan told him to come in and give the overview, like he is able to gain more information from there on for his objective. Like we said, he's been acting too dumb when he was solving the cases, so inattentive to details, and he immediately resorted to, "hey you know the case so how about you explain to me?" like he wanted to see Conan's skills and deliberately explain to him and especially with so many evidence in the house to point it was Shinichi, he could easily corner Conan to reveal his identity. I mean at this point, Kaito Kid would be a very viable ally so Conan should honestly reveal his identity to him. If anything, Conan can do some sleuthing himself to blackmail Kaito into his identity as well so win win.
I'm sticking to the fact that this is Kaito himself and not Vermouth. His gestures are way too Kaito Kid-like, such as calling Conan a tsundere in that manner and hitting on girls. Heck he's even calling crime scenes disgusting! There's just so much humor in him that is too Kaito Kid like. Maybe it is Vermouth but I feel Vermouth wouldn't go through the playful gestures that is so well-known with not just Kaito Kid but Kuroba Kaito.
Jan 19, 2018
especially with a freaking big hint that he wasn't called Conan when Kaito was disguised as Agasa?
He just said that Agasa doesn't call him "Conan-kun" when they are alone. That still leaves it possible that Agasa uses just "Conan" without the honorific, or uses an embarassing nickname like "Co-chan" that Conan doesn't want him to use in front of others. Conan didn't say that "he wasn't called Conan".
Jun 30, 2019
I've not seen anybody else comment on how the room was locked, so I figured I'd post my theory. It is certainly helped by the items pointed out by the two of them. I think each of those items was used to hook onto the lock and hold it, then pulled with a string to lock it, and then the string was pulled free. The hair clip had a hole where a string could loop through, and the chopsticks still had the wrapper on one side, so if they were put around the lock, and string wrapped around to hold it in place, they could be used. For the third one, I'd have thought the tongs easier to use, but maybe the loop of cord on the frying pan was used as a weight on the tongs, and a string help the weight of the frying pan until they left, and its weight pulled down the tongs to lock it.
Active member
Feb 6, 2018
another weird feeling from conan dropping the culprit name so quickly, i don't think he's ever done that. maybe he's just imitating yuusaku's style though.
kid wasn't completely dumb, he did pick up on the details of the crime scene, just didn't know or say what they meant. maybe the idea of "seeing the evidence but not understanding it" will be key in the culprits motive, and kid is just acting like that to give conan his light bulb panel.

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