Dimensional Mercenary

Jan 12, 2019
As another comment says, I'm at chapter 92, and some things just don't make sense and are too convenient; plus there are some incongruities, the art is a bit messy and just passable, I wonder how the artist is working. The pacing is kinda slow, the action scenes are not very elaborated.
I heard there's a novel, I suppose some plot holes are less present in it.

A 6/10 webtoon for me. Honestly, give it a shot, though I found the first 20 chapters much more interesting than the following 50, but yeah...
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 8, 2019
Such garbage 1 chapter out of 20 is worth reading, basically just skip the missions cus they don't matter
Jun 28, 2020
The grammar is so bad. Sometimes it is honestly hard to understand what they are trying to say. If you folks at Dayment scans need some assistance then I could help out. I'm not a native speaker but I'm fairly confident in my ability to structure sentences.
Jan 4, 2019
Just finished season 1 and the art/artist change for season 2 is really jarring. It went from relatively realistic armour at the end of season 1 to tits out bondage gear in season 2.

Edit: Yeah, this new art is fairly shit. "Arent you the finest assassin?" he asks the guy standing there rubbing his nipples.

Edit 1: And now the translation takes a nosedive in chapter 39. Bad times. "The true avatar of the death". Come on.

Edit 2: Up to season three now. It seems good but the translation always goes wonky when they talk about anything complex so you have to try and piece the plot together.
Mar 23, 2019
@Uthred The first season for most Korean Manhwas are there to draw in the reader, then from season 2 onwards its for the story. The reason the translation changes is due to different teams picking it up
Jan 24, 2019

smh, reward went from 120,000$ down to 1200$, for his perfect clear.

Honestly, what kind of moron would even risk their lives to this extent for a measly 1200$?

The author clearly has no idea about how to price valuable items...

For instance an item that can permanently make your voice louder, worth the low low price of like 800$ (1m won).

Or a one time use item that will give you the skills of a super assassin temporarily, for only 500$ (700k won).

Do you know how much a rich person with speech impairment would pay for the former? Can you imagine how much intelligence agencies, or the paranoid crowd among the wealthy, would be willing to pay for the latter? these items are worth at minimum 10x the price the author sets for them, but could probably be pushed to at least 100x the price.

I'm wondering if the author is just stupid, or if the protagonist is getting shafted super hard by Sose, and is dumb enough to take it lying down...

For the next mission after that, it's even worse. I mean the guy is essentially risking his life (and on those long missions, for months on end), and ofr the next mission the reward is 600k won, not even one million, for months of risking your life, that's 480$, this guy would literally be better off working at 7/11 where he'd earn the same amount (considering it takes 3 real life days to complete these missions, and 3 real life days working at 7/11 to make the same amount... I mean it's a no brainer, they're running him ragged, making him risk his life for minimum fuckin wage!)
Jan 21, 2018
@fhadlan123 don't tell people to not complain, firstly it's honestly the most constructive/least destructive way to get their frustrations out. Secondly, and imo more importantly, it lets other people who haven't read it yet to understand that the translation isn't as good as the manga/manhua/manhwa deserves, and might make them come back to it when/if another group does a much better job with it. Thirdly, the translation group may be doing it for free, but if there are mistakes it's important to let them know, as any decent group would find it really important so they can fix their mistakes. I know I would, and I used to work with the LN/WN translation scene for Jp/Kr and CN novels.
Sep 12, 2018
Why does the value of the missions keep changing? 1 million won is apparently 1000 dollars. If his relative debt changes down from 100 million or so to 10 million, that's only 10K. Why would his sister sell herself off to be a mafia whore for only $4,000 usd? It's not hard to save to 10k with 3 people working normal jobs.
Sep 12, 2018
Also, I don't understand how he could keep the plunder wages from the first mission but not the others. Obviously there was no plunder but on mission 2 the guy gets land, a castle, and a large tax base as a lord. Not to mention wages.

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Sep 12, 2018
Risk your body, sell your soul, have 90% of pertinent information withheld for 6,000. Fail and lose 3,000 and maybe die and be maimed. Lol ok.

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 8, 2018
No lie this is the best manwha or whatever it called I read so far.
I'm kinda tired seeing protags DBZ the fck out on every situation and every female character introduced have a personality of sucking MC dick everytime she have a screen time.
The MC on this series actually usses his brain on every situation, Not too OP and know what is the value of people and use it to gain the upperhand on every situation he get into.
Also there is no annoying female yet so that's a major plus+.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2020
holy shit, this has no right being as good as it is. It's certainly not perfect but it's definitely an interesting series. MC is good as well, he can actually use his brain. Its a nice change of pace from battle crazed idiots. Dude is always weighing in the pro and cons of situations and using deductive reasoning. There's no pointless harem which is huge plus as well.

idk if its the translator or the original but someone has a bad problem with money math, constant errors.
Oct 26, 2018
why every korean story like this? alot of the character are just straight shitty personality
Apr 20, 2019
hmm... This current mission seems making the MC looks really....different? I dont know if it's cause he's under an effect of something.

his morality and how he usually does things seems very different now compared to previous missions. It's more dark now, and I can't help but feel the story doesn't fit.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 19, 2020
This thing kinda reminds me of Pact, I mean, the parts where Karma and karmic debt are real things which you can inherit and accumulate and which affects your luck, and the parts with nebulous and all-powerful organization with ambiguous morals which offers you an opportunity to pay off the karma in exchange for your soul and for deadly work you'll have to do after signing the contract with them
Sep 9, 2018
@KaumGao it's a combination of character development... and the fact that he's becoming jaded. For example, take an innocent child who gets kidnapped by some psycho, who ends up killing his kidnapper to escape and survive. That child isn't going to be so innocent anymore, and no matter how strongly good moralistic ideals are stuck in his head and heart, his perspective has changed - he now knows that life is fragile. That even his tiny self can kill a scary adult. That sort of thing is going to change the way you see things, the way you look at them, and alter your choices in the future. Take that same kid, fast foward to high school. Maybe he's stil a scrawny nobody, but say he gets caught up by bullies who want to beat hiim up and steal his money or something. He already killed someone larger and more terrifying than those kids - so instead of thinking "do i run, or do i just give them my money and hope they don't hurt me too much" the options he's going to be thinking of will be far more likely to include "do i fight back? do i fight back enough to run, or should i try to kill these jerks?". As time goes by and one encounters new situations and hardships, more and more of these doors and possibilities are going to open up, because the line was already crossed.

as another example: most kids, especially boys, grow up with a fascination for guns, knives, and fire. Obviously most kids aren't allowed to get their hands on any of these things. Now, the average kid isn't going to suddenly burn their house down. But that kid who finds a lighter to play with? Chances are he's going to use it. Burning leaves and sticks, or pieces of paper, or whatever else he can find. Maybe a bottle of grilling lighter fluid gets swiped from cupboard. And once you've played with burning one thing, you'll be far more likely to try burning other things. Maybe insects, just to see the way they shrivel up and pop. Maybe the hair on your arm, after spraying it with aerosol deodorant. Maybe a house, or a school. And then, after all that, if the kid doesn't get stuck in juvie, and isn't traumatized by getting caught in a burning building - what are the odds of that kid being a true pyro? How likely are they to try starting bigger fires in new places?

Our mc here is doing just that. Each new mission is filled with situations that force him to do things like kill people and make hard decisions, and to open up his perspective and break the limits of his morals, in order to survive and succeed. Each time, he can go a little farther, a little harder, and making cruel decisions becomes easier. Eventually, he's going to reach the point where the morals don't even matter - just the efficiency. Who needs to die to make this mission succeed? Who needs to be saved? Who should he lie to, who should he confide in, who should he manipulate to what end... etc.

This story is doing a fairly decent job of exploring this development. He used to be a completely normal guy. Scared of fighting, scared to die, scared to kill. But he's been forced to do things that change him - and the best way we can judge him isn't by what he does exactly, but why he does it. How is he going to balance unsympathetic efficiency with his own sense of morals? Where will he draw the lines? Would he kill innocents to gain success, or will he choose to suffer further hardships to maintain his dignity and sense of honor and humanity?

Right now he's just doing missions for money, because it's a job that pays damn well with some fairly high risks. He's doing what he can to maintain his integrity, even after being placed in the shoes of murderers and betrayers and forced to empathize with souls filled to the brim with hate, to the point they literally sold their soul just to live through a repeating illusion to see how the things they regretted most could have gone differently. But how long is he going to keep that up? He's barely tipped his toes into this business, and it's pretty obvious that things get harder and darker the deeper he goes.
Oct 8, 2019
OMG @lolikoki damn that's a lot of info but damn
I love this manga so much im not usually into death kinda stuff and murder but... this sure is a exception.

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