discussion thread : kemono jihen

Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
i made this thread so we can discuss about this kemono anime .

this is 1 of the best anime-s of this season . i only watch this anime and the isekai spider anime in this season .

you can check out some samples of this anime from this youtube playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9MqLQzpS2joffRaVjnX8ddMvF5VZUEyr

the manga : https://mangadex.org/title/20973/kemono-jihen

# about episode 1 :

- main boy washes himself with dish-washing liquid and dish-washing sponge . i dont know if this is so cute or so sad , lol .

- the anime also fixes some plot holes in the manga :

in chapter 1 , main boy has the random ability to make a peach become rotten , then this ability never appears again in the manga .

at the end of chapter 1 , tanuki guy gets on a bus . it is the middle of the night , and there is a bus going through a remote village .

# about episode 2 :

- full visual of the family , no one is wearing shoes : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EsGzMNsVkAYuboC?format=jpg&name=900x900

- the anime also fixes the messed-up timeline in chapter 2 of the manga :

page 39 : the big brother comes home from school , then the mother comes home from work , then the bugs attack . so i guess it is around 18 pm .
the big brother calls the cops , then 30 minutes later ( as says in page 19 ) , the tanuki and main boy arrives . it is dark outside .
when they finish the job at page 42 , the sun is rising , so i guess it is around 6 am .

Names of this manga :

- 怪物事変 / けものじへん .
- Kemono Jihen .
- Monsters Incidents .
- Youkai / 妖怪 .

怪物 = kaibutsu = rare , unusual , mysterious , supernatural monsters / creatures / beings / demons . https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E6%80%AA%E7%89%A9

While "kemono" is the reading of the kanji 獣 = beasts / furry animals / furry fandom , animal character with human characteristics . https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E7%8D%A3

We also have bakemono = 化け物 = transforming creatures . https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E5%8C%96%E3%81%91%E7%89%A9

Plot :
The Kemono Detective Office has these characters :

- Kusaka Kabane / 日下 夏羽 , is the main boy . His mother is a human , and his father is a ghoul/oni monster , they had $ex and then gave birth to him , lol .
Pun : his name "Kabane" is also the reading of the Kanji-s 尸 / 屍 = corpse / dead body / skeleton / bone .
His seiyuu is a girl , so cute .

- Tademaru Shiki : His mother is a spider monster , and his father is a human , they had $ex and then gave birth to him , lol . He is Spider-Man / Spider-Boy , lol .
Pun : his name Shiki = 織 = weave / knit .

- Akira : He is a girly , trap Snow Boy / Yuki-Onoko , the counterpart of Yuki-Onna / Snow Girl .
Pun : his name Akira = 晶 = crystal / diamond / clear / glittering .
His seiyuu is an old , fat , ugly , 31-years-old male ??????? The anime is ruined .

- Inugami Kohachi : An old , adult , transforming Tanuki guy .

- Mihai : An Immortal Vampire guy who is addicted to video games . Actually , we humans need to be immortal to be able to finish all the current video games , especially online PC games , smartphone / tablet games , and PS3 , PS4 , PS5 games , lol .

The above 5 characters live in the same house , and sleep in the same room , lol .

We also have :

- Kon : a Kitsune Girl / Fox Girl .

- A Kitsune old lady and some other Kitsune-s , and deer monsters , dog monsters , frog monsters , ......

- Nobimaru is a little Kitsune boy , but his voice actor is already 40-years-old ??????

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