Doctor Elise - Ch. 89

Feb 23, 2018
Wow, this is so cheesy, her blood brother is there. Why wouldn't they test or at least mention her bother. I know their blood type could be different but he is still the most likely match and he is healthy.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 24, 2019
LET👏 OUR👏 BOY 👏GET👏 A BREAK! I know it's a crime, nevertheless, but please overlook it just this once. It ain't that heavy anyways. They're seriously brothers! Only siblings can be this cruel to each other and still say "be careful"!!

@west23 @Alicia_kun That's probably foreign to them. For us, it's common sense but for them, a different person is a different person when it comes to things like blood transfusion. Getting a proper match requires chance to them before but now, they test it first before proceeding to the transfusion, thanks to Dame Elise. That's a huge step already.

Just a while back, they didn't even believe that proper hygiene can lower death rate. The thought of family being a proper match probably stems from the fact their knowledge about blood, and even equipment, isn't that advance. Hence, explains even further why they didn't just got some blood from a relative before and stuck it up on the patient before Dame Elise. It's because of the lack of research, and they can't be blamed.

It took us, people from Earth, a while to get to where we are now, and they're already very advance being in 200's compared to us. They're the ones that will probably make flying cars happen by 1300's.

Elise should inform them once she wakes up though. That will save some time, effort, and stress.
Apr 15, 2019
ok tell me how this makes sense there's no blood that matches her
when her brother, lenne, is literally right there
is this some medical phenomenon that i'm too unlearned to know???
Active member
Nov 29, 2018
even if it's her brother, it doesn't mean he will have the same blood type as her. It will depend on whatever blood type their parents are.

Anyway, I think its easier if you imagine that her blood type is O, which is a bit rare by normal standards. As such she can only receive a blood transfusion by the same blood type a d it just turns out the prince is also type O.
Aggregator gang
Nov 16, 2018
Why da heck is her blood brother not even mentioned here? Is it just for plot convenience or the author forgets that she has a brother nearly
May 21, 2020
I know people are mentioning her blood brother matching but...why is mil not suffering from using his powers like the prince?? If he is stronger, would it not have made more since for prince and mil to go save her together???
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@lblaniii Crown prince is using his powers as a imperial family member only, and they cause a lot of strain if overused. Mil is using a technique that can be learned, the aura thingy he picked up in the East. Probably equivalent to chi/ki sort of things in other stories. Sounds like that makes him tired, but it's not as much of a strain as the royal special abilities are. He might also have those imperial powers too, but with the aura powers in hand as well he can just fall back on the one with less recoil and exhaust himself rather than injure himself.
Apr 10, 2019
I'm loosing brain cells with how inconsistent this story's understanding of medical science.
Apr 10, 2019
@Kryspy_Kreme it'd probably wouldn't have taken that long if the he Great Library of Alexandria didn't burn. it set us back 15 generations worth of research.

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