Don't Touch That Ballot! Higashikata Josuke! - Oneshot

Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
@Kaarme assuming youre asking seriously, when you die, its on the next of kin to notify everyone, and Im not talking family.

Every bank you had any account with.

Every credit card company youve ever applied to.

Any DMV or equivalent youve ever applied with.

City tax office of every city youve had any kind of taxable property in.

Same with state adjuster/tax office.

Now federal aka IRS.

Social security office cause they dont check either.

Voter registration if they have a seperate office.

Basically any institution youve ever used your identity. The only place that knows you are dead is the county that declared you dead. Whether or not theyll do anything more than that vaties from county to county, to state by state.

Thats if you have family. If youve got no one, no friends or family that qualify as next of kin, then it varies what they do with you. They might report you dead to the SS admin...if the county managed to trackdown your SSN and didnt mix you up with someone else. And thats it.

All those institutions i listed above dont get a notification when you die.

Myself as an example, in CA. If i died, and my family didnt notify the DMV, or for some reason i was unclaimed, all someone would need to do to vote using my name is know my birthday and address i was registered at.

For mail in, again in CA, whoever was the current tenant could just check the mailbox. Cause those were just sent out to anyone who was registered. Fuck my neighbor got 3 for previous tenants.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@bigtiddyoneesan They wouldn't get away with it in a developed, democratic nation. There's absolutely no way they would get away with it in a country like the USA with an overdeveloped justice system and a federal police the people seem to worship. They only get away with it in places like Russia.

@SunSun Hmm... Well, maybe I was a bit too harsh. A person can indeed be dead for a while without being registered dead if there's absolutely nobody around to report the death and it's a place where no outsider would figure it out. However, voting should be a different matter. Over here you can't vote, even in advance, without proving your identity. If that's missing in the USA, it would indeed create a situation spanning even months where a dead person's right to vote could be exploited. However, that's still a far cry from the denizens of a grave yard voting. If you can vote in advance in the USA without needing to prove your identity to anyone at any point, Trump is indeed correct about it being dubious. Who knows how much it would affect anything, though, since I'm sure the cases of long dead people being kept artificially among the living aren't that common and probably only happen for pension/social aid reasons. Would the person benefitting from that risk it all by fraudulent voting? They are living under a huge risk anyway, only waiting to get caught.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 5, 2019
@Plykiya send best wishes to mod team!
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
They wouldn't get away with it in a developed, democratic nation. There's absolutely no way they would get away with it in a country like the USA with an overdeveloped justice system and a federal police the people seem to worship. They only get away with it in places like Russia.
Bro, again, I honestly can't tell if this is satire, and I'm not trying to be rude by saying that.

There are very creative ways to execute and get away with any crime, election fraud included. One of the simplest methods is using bribes and/or blackmail, of course.

Like I said before, thinking it's impossible to get away with something like that is what leads to it actually happening undeterred.

Well, let's not go in circles here. It's fine if we don't see eye to eye on things here, and we can leave it at that. Nice that you didn't resort to ad hominems or anything, as it's usually uncalled for when people do.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@bigtiddyoneesan Well, half of what I'm saying is assumptions anyway since I'm not from the USA. I can only base it on how things are done here and what little I know of the US system. However, my whole country has less population than some single cities in the USA, so in a certain sense the scale difference will make things far more complicated in the USA. But at the same time, you'd need to do a whole lot more in the USA to make a difference, so a small fraud would be meaningless. Yet the bigger it is, the more obvious it is to spot.

If you can't trust the system at all, what's the point of it all? It's a different thing to not trust the system in places like Russia or China, but in the West you generally should be able to. Not blindly, of course, but on the other hand, if there's a flaw somewhere, you should still be able to trust another part of the system would do something about it, and the media would certainly make a huge deal out of it. Like if there's an election fraud, the police would investigate it, not just ignore it. Recounting votes is also very common everywhere, if someone even suspects something strange has happened. If you can't trust in any of it, it would equal to feeling like you are living in a dictatorship. From my foreigner's pov, the huge problem in the USA is the deep division, which is bordering a pre-civil war mentality. Reading some comments on the Internet, it feels like one side doesn't anymore feel like the other side is American at all. When you reach that point, you will most definitely see frauds and cheating even in places where there is none or where it's insignificant.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
I get your point with not trusting the system. Personally, I trust it quite a bit, and I appreciate what works well. It's just that I don't want to have absolute, unwavering faith in it (and most things, really). Like you said, not blindly.

The media don't always make a big deal out of everything, though. News that negatively affects whichever side an outlet leans is usually downplayed by said outlet. Why wouldn't they downplay it, after all?

Police can be told to stand down for reasons unbeknownst to the officers too. It happened in the riots a few months ago. A lot of times all it takes to prevent someone with power from interfering with you is by having someone with higher power on your side who can tell them to stand down.

I acknowledge at least that inconsistencies and failures are magnified since they are scarcer than smooth operation, but they nonetheless exist. I would never consider myself one of those 'trust nothing' people, but I am always aware that new information can come to light that overwrites or discredits previous information.

And the divide in the U.S. is very noticeable, yeah. I certainly don't want anyone to get hurt. If only we could all realize that

Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
I think both sides agree on one thing:

We need to round up all the pollsters and strand them on the moon!

Also, the U.S. is a constitutional republic; not democracy
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Sep10trion The USA is a representative democracy. You know, the Americans were just voting to select a new head of state, from among competing candidates from more than one legal party. That means it's a democracy, specifically a representative democracy, as opposed to a direct democracy. There are no direct democracy countries, btw, because they wouldn't work and last. Some countries, most notably Switzerland, have elements of a direct democracy, making them semi-direct. Speaking of a republic is relevant when you classify countries as republics (which are in practice democracies, be it working or broken) or monarchies (which can be absolute or parliamentary democracies) or simply tyrannies of various kinds, such as one-party communisms, ruled by a military junta, ruled by a good old dictator, etc.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 9, 2019
That stupid fucking typo is gonna result in unbearable election discourse for the next four years, isn’t it?

I would rather they investigate and recount just to put rumours at rest so we won’t have to hear about this anymore. But they better investigate DeJoy for screwing with the postal system too.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 15, 2019
theres no josuke in this lol. why does biden look like old prosciutto
Group Leader
Jun 9, 2018
"There's absolutely no way they would get away with it in a country like the USA with an overdeveloped justice system and a federal police the people seem to worship."

Lmao, what a diehard @Kaarme, even crazy nancy would not dare to say this kind of overstatement. Get your fact right, US is not god's backyard.

"all someone would need to do to vote using my name is know my birthday and address i was registered at."

@SunSun yes, irony.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@axelTHEGREAT "overdeveloped justice system" isn't a compliment, though. It just means elections are taken to the court, which is bizarre, and on the other hand, it has created all sorts of silliness and tragedies. Silliness like warning labels that would be too obvious even for Captain Obvious and tragedies like patent trolls proliferating. However, it does mean it's harder to escape its grasp as well.

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