The truth about the titles "hero", "demon lord" and "great sage".
- "Hero": has no right to have his own opinion, must share the public opinion about "justice", must work/fight for the public, nobels and royals for free on whatever task he is given. Has to pay his spendings himself because the nobels, royals and, of course, everyone else wants to save their own money instead of paying the actual working fee the level of services of a hero would cost. E.g. defeating the demon army and demon lord would usually need a WHOLE army to be deployed and that would cost a lot of money. So logically speaking the hero should earn the combined salary of all the forces he replaces but instead he is not paid a single coin during his journey and has to pay by himself instead.
As such "hero" actually means "the most highly decorated life-long slave without any choice or chance to end his term as slave".
- "Demon Lord": No matter what you do you are the most hated person in the entire world. Even if you are the most peaceful person and try to reach peaceful coexistence the "humans" will always see you as "evil" and try to kill you by sending armies as well as "heroes" and their companions after you. Furthermore the "demons" see "humans" as enemies, too, and as such expect the "demon lord" to lead the "demons" to fight against "humans". So you cannot even attempt to make peace cause the "demons" would oppose the attempt and demand "punishment" for their enemies called "humans".
Hence you will always experience tragedy and pain with this title.
As such "demon lord" is actually the "most misunderstood, most unjustifiedly hated and most unreasonably discriminated against person" in the world.
- "Great Sage": You are supposed to be "wise" and "uncaring about wordly desires". As such you are expected to "share your wisdom with" = "to work for practically free for" anyone (especially nobels and royals) asking your for advice and help. People might come asking for cures, medicines and solutions for any kind of illness, desease or trouble they come across - especially nobels - while only being willing to pay the minimum amount of money it would cost since "you as the sage would not expect/demand earthly compensation anyway". Furthermore as the "wisest" person you would never have free time because any issue others cannot deal with would be referred to you to be solved by you.
As such "great sage" is actually the term for the "most hardworking low-wage job without any free time even in the evenings or at night and absolutely no vacation granted ever".
So why should any rationally thinking person (who does not like mindless slaughter, being abused or/and hurt or/and overworked while staying poor for all that) ever choose either of those titles?