Dou ka Ore wo Houtte Oitekure - Naze ka Bocchi no Owatta Koukou Seikatsu wo Kanojo ga Kaeyou to shite kuru - Ch. 24 - I'm the One Who Wants to Ask Wh…

Double-page supporter
Jan 14, 2024
If you wanna die on that hill be my fucking guest. Victim blaming at its finest jfc. GO read the LN before you make anymore "she feels" "she sees" "she knows" type of comments. Every time i insult a non-existent virtual girl there is some white knight going "well AHKCHUALLY 🤓 👆" i fucking hate weebs so much it is unreal.
i was going to write something in response but i remenbered the last time i said somthing about the spineless MC a squad of people came to tell me how is ok to be a spineless, passive pushover with no will whatsoever. but i like your response better.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Why does this current arc feel like everything before it didn't exist? I'm not understanding the MC's complete confusion on why the gyaru wants to spend time with him. She's been trying just about since they met and didn't stop even when he made that misunderstanding happen to protect her. Like she read your really bad manuscript and lied about. Why are you acting like it's rocket science that she wants to spend any time with you? She's clearly never much cared for the plan of sacricing yourself over her reputation in the first plan and she obviously isn't nearly as stuck in her had as the MC. And the same goes for all the characters... like seriously why are they acting like they're copies that have been living in a void and just replaced the main cast this arc so they don't retain any memory from previous arcs? That metaphor ran away from me a bit but they're just so inconsistent (which I guess the answer is bad writing).

The problem isn't how she's acting now. Rather I'd probably like her if this was her character from the start. But in that initial arc she acted very weirdly toward her supposed bestie under the belief that said bestie reads light novels. We also know from that arc that in the original timeline she straight up cut off her friend following this incident and didn't properly reach out. While the then former popular gyaru became a shut in and stopped going to school.

I mean that arc was just bad in general tbh, but we still have to o go with those characterizations. Which currently are that all of Hoshigasaki's close friends (especially Hiiragi) were going to mistreat and cut her off solely under the prospect that she reads light novels. That's pretty unforgivable and the author chose to "solve" the issue by having the MC take on that spite instead of addressing the fact that those make for some pretty terrible people and awful friends.

Have you considered it's the way you say things? Because as someone who also despises Hiiragi based on her characterization and writing, I still read your comment and just cringe. And if someone said that outloud in real life even if about freaking Hitler, I'd probably still punch them.

I mean this is just my take. Feel free to do with it what you will, but I'd say BECAUSE we're talking about virtual non-existent characters that what you say and how you say it reflects more on your character than that of a fabrication written by the author. From the outside looking in all we really see is how you choose to express your interaction with fictional media. And yeah, it's not a great look. I mean there are words there that aren't said at all anymore because it's offensive to other non-involved groups of people. Talking about playing the victim card, people talk gross online and try to cover it up as okay because it's not real or doesn't matter, but honestly all we see (I have no idea what your actual intentions are or what your character is) is what you choose to say when you have anonymity toward a fictional character.

Though to call myself out, I'd say I've acted similarly online especially when a character has just utterly infuriated me, but not since I've learned basic understanding that how I choose to represent and present my opinions and ideas and thoughts and feels matter. Especially if I care how I am perceived. Again, take it as you will, but you could just easily say Hiiragi's character is awful without using words that I really really hope you wouldn't in real life.

Better question is if the main girl's goal is to make the MC friends, why hasn't she tried finding him any male friends. I feel like that might, actually kinda work considering the premise. On a certain level I do find it hilarious how series like this basically move the MC from loner status to "here's all the most popular girls in your school pining after you for... reasons" like if being antisocial and sometimes a decent human being with basic kindness is all it takes then why can't it be the same Irl 😭.

Though no cap, if I were the MC and I wanted ANY friends, I'd be craving some male friends who are closer to the same wave length. Plus male friends would be way easier to wean into for him. They care WAY less about being social.
for the first part, remember this is the low cost oregairu, author really hasn't pulled anything that great since the first idea that the series started, after that, it just Hikki and co. without the good characterization.

also, I'm with you... are people actually forgetting that Hiiragi f***ed the blondie live in the og time line just for having a novel, we know she cares for her friend but in the end is really superficial.

about the male friends, remember that the MC being "mentally" a little older, he really doesn't want to talk about the same topics he had in the og timeline... also he's kinda snobbish with his nerdiness, the only option of an actual friend would be hoshigasaki's brother, as someone older with the same tastes, they actually hit it off.

to end, class prezz really can't get a single flag for her with the MC.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2019
Who said anything about "real world" or "4chan" ? ANYTHING AT ALL?? i swear everytime i comment which is not a lot on this damn website..
Maybe you should follow your own example and log off from X formerly known as twitter:haa:
Your choice of words kind of betrayed you, there. Also, there's "birb" in your nickname. QED.
I'll agree with you on another point (other than Hiragi being a piece of shit), though: I'd rather take a solid kick to my balls than access twitter, so no worries about me being there :)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
Hope treatment towards my boy gets better soon. Every character including the FL's (Even Gyaru early on) treat him like dog shit..
Dex-chan lover
Dec 1, 2019
Annoying bitch who just arbitrarily decided that hanging out with the outsider loner is the worst possible thing to happen to her friend. Get off your high horse, you don't even know your friend well
Double-page supporter
Jan 26, 2024
If you wanna die on that hill be my fucking guest. Victim blaming at its finest jfc. GO read the LN before you make anymore "she feels" "she sees" "she knows" type of comments. Every time i insult a non-existent virtual girl there is some white knight going "well AHKCHUALLY 🤓 👆" i fucking hate weebs so much it is unreal.
You aren't any better kid, getting heated over a virtual teenager. Cringe asf.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2020
Man i actually quite liked the mc despite the cringy loner wolf front he had, but ofc japanese mc had to be a doormat every damn time. Also i know the blonde had good intentions, but she must be a massive airhead for not even thinking about the obvious consequences her action will have. Realistically the best way to help the mc is to clear his name by just admitting you’re a weeb yourself and own the fact that your own dumbass had bought a fkin ecchi book to the school
Thing is if she comes out with it being her light novel all along it'll destroy her social life. Which is somethig he wanted to avoid since, if irrc, it ends up with her dropping out of school.

Yes she's been shown many times to be a bit of an airhead and clumsy. Not a retard nor overly dumb, just a naive person that just cannot hide her intentions/feelings and is overly honest.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2019
Gyaru is going out of her way to talk and interact with you. Even joins the comittee nobody wants to be in because you were coerced to join.
Is she into you? We really can't tell.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 2, 2020
Why does this current arc feel like everything before it didn't exist? I'm not understanding the MC's complete confusion on why the gyaru wants to spend time with him. She's been trying just about since they met and didn't stop even when he made that misunderstanding happen to protect her. Like she read your really bad manuscript and lied about. Why are you acting like it's rocket science that she wants to spend any time with you? She's clearly never much cared for the plan of sacricing yourself over her reputation in the first plan and she obviously isn't nearly as stuck in her had as the MC. And the same goes for all the characters... like seriously why are they acting like they're copies that have been living in a void and just replaced the main cast this arc so they don't retain any memory from previous arcs? That metaphor ran away from me a bit but they're just so inconsistent (which I guess the answer is bad writing).
I mean the MC cant help that the author wrote them to be denser than a teaspoon of the collapsed matter flux core of a neutron star (Something that would weigh nearly 10 million tons for that little spoonful.)

Dude is so high on the supply of lone wolf chuunibyou autism, he really cant see or understand why she's doing this. I mean think how long it took him to understand that people REALLY dont appreciate his whole disregard for their feelings when he is out there lone wolfing it up. Before that he pretty much figured he was doing the "right thing" and people would understand that... Only coming to learn people don't like it when you shit and piss on their feelings.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
Man i actually quite liked the mc despite the cringy loner wolf front he had, but ofc japanese mc had to be a doormat every damn time. Also i know the blonde had good intentions, but she must be a massive airhead for not even thinking about the obvious consequences her action will have. Realistically the best way to help the mc is to clear his name by just admitting you’re a weeb yourself and own the fact that your own dumbass had bought a fkin ecchi book to the school
Blonde gal will have her reasoning later on, but those words still do not jive to me up to this day and time.

I guess her reasoning is somewhat akin to teaching her friend to swallow a 12" slowly...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
Because the LN project was cancelled before anything concrete was established in that direction. If the manga somehow is allowed to flesh out the original vision for this series, it'll likely be added eventually.
How I wish it were. Manga original continuations are accepted.
Oct 16, 2023
The problem isn't how she's acting now. Rather I'd probably like her if this was her character from the start. But in that initial arc she acted very weirdly toward her supposed bestie under the belief that said bestie reads light novels. We also know from that arc that in the original timeline she straight up cut off her friend following this incident and didn't properly reach out. While the then former popular gyaru became a shut in and stopped going to school.

I mean that arc was just bad in general tbh, but we still have to o go with those characterizations. Which currently are that all of Hoshigasaki's close friends (especially Hiiragi) were going to mistreat and cut her off solely under the prospect that she reads light novels. That's pretty unforgivable and the author chose to "solve" the issue by having the MC take on that spite instead of addressing the fact that those make for some pretty terrible people and awful friends.
But remember that MC himself explained it at the time; they weren't best friends because it was very early into high school, their relationships were still forming and solidifying. The other point to remember is that in this current timeline, they didn't cut off Hoshigasaki for reading LNs. (Granted, that is cause MC stepped in and saved her) idk what I think about that... you don't become best friends immediately, but maybe you could say that the friendship is based on a lie; would Hiiragi consider Hoshigasaki a best friend if she knew of Hoshigasaki's love for LNs? I don't know.

I guess now that I've written all this out, I can see your point somewhat.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2024
What we all originally have here is a girl that was about to be hit by a truck, then she is saved by the central character who dies instead of her, then he becomes supernaturally saved by her, then we have a hint (never pronounced, but more or less obvious) of a love triangle where the “saved saviour” girl is greatly indebted to the central character and knows that he'll always be special in her life but she forces herself to be content with having saved that boy because she hates herself for being the indirect cause of his death (though that death happened only in a prevented timeline) and thus punishes herself by pushing her special someone to be happy with another girl.

That was unique for a while, but now we all have yet another story with almost the same premise: “Multiverse no Watashi, Koishite Ii desu ka?” — and that other story is a bit different because there the other girl is actually the same girl from the altered timeline.

Consider reading that other story as well. I recommend it. Currently it's a oneshot, but is expected to continue.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 30, 2018
Why does this current arc feel like everything before it didn't exist? I'm not understanding the MC's complete confusion on why the gyaru wants to spend time with him. She's been trying just about since they met and didn't stop even when he made that misunderstanding happen to protect her. Like she read your really bad manuscript and lied about. Why are you acting like it's rocket science that she wants to spend any time with you? She's clearly never much cared for the plan of sacricing yourself over her reputation in the first plan and she obviously isn't nearly as stuck in her had as the MC. And the same goes for all the characters... like seriously why are they acting like they're copies that have been living in a void and just replaced the main cast this arc so they don't retain any memory from previous arcs? That metaphor ran away from me a bit but they're just so inconsistent (which I guess the answer is bad writing).

The problem isn't how she's acting now. Rather I'd probably like her if this was her character from the start. But in that initial arc she acted very weirdly toward her supposed bestie under the belief that said bestie reads light novels. We also know from that arc that in the original timeline she straight up cut off her friend following this incident and didn't properly reach out. While the then former popular gyaru became a shut in and stopped going to school.

I mean that arc was just bad in general tbh, but we still have to o go with those characterizations. Which currently are that all of Hoshigasaki's close friends (especially Hiiragi) were going to mistreat and cut her off solely under the prospect that she reads light novels. That's pretty unforgivable and the author chose to "solve" the issue by having the MC take on that spite instead of addressing the fact that those make for some pretty terrible people and awful friends.

Have you considered it's the way you say things? Because as someone who also despises Hiiragi based on her characterization and writing, I still read your comment and just cringe. And if someone said that outloud in real life even if about freaking Hitler, I'd probably still punch them.

I mean this is just my take. Feel free to do with it what you will, but I'd say BECAUSE we're talking about virtual non-existent characters that what you say and how you say it reflects more on your character than that of a fabrication written by the author. From the outside looking in all we really see is how you choose to express your interaction with fictional media. And yeah, it's not a great look. I mean there are words there that aren't said at all anymore because it's offensive to other non-involved groups of people. Talking about playing the victim card, people talk gross online and try to cover it up as okay because it's not real or doesn't matter, but honestly all we see (I have no idea what your actual intentions are or what your character is) is what you choose to say when you have anonymity toward a fictional character.

Though to call myself out, I'd say I've acted similarly online especially when a character has just utterly infuriated me, but not since I've learned basic understanding that how I choose to represent and present my opinions and ideas and thoughts and feels matter. Especially if I care how I am perceived. Again, take it as you will, but you could just easily say Hiiragi's character is awful without using words that I really really hope you wouldn't in real life.

Better question is if the main girl's goal is to make the MC friends, why hasn't she tried finding him any male friends. I feel like that might, actually kinda work considering the premise. On a certain level I do find it hilarious how series like this basically move the MC from loner status to "here's all the most popular girls in your school pining after you for... reasons" like if being antisocial and sometimes a decent human being with basic kindness is all it takes then why can't it be the same Irl 😭.

Though no cap, if I were the MC and I wanted ANY friends, I'd be craving some male friends who are closer to the same wave length. Plus male friends would be way easier to wean into for him. They care WAY less about being social.
For your question in the first paragraph, this chapter already explained it. To other people, what hoshigasaki do is weird. The mc too understood that what she does is weird so he is at lost for what he should do later.

And this is connected to previous arc that you confused about too. The point is hoshigasaki is a weirdo by that class standard so she can't be honest about herself. Well, Her friend didn't help her because this manga is too realistic in that part about in real life people mostly don't notice their mistake until they are being pointed out. And after the problem occured later, they usually froze don't know what they should do to fix it hence why hoshigasaki became a shut in

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