Cute story
I am personally getting hung up on 2 details that are absolitely killi g my suspension of disbelief-
1) living in a forest and having only lettuce. Why? You're not even growing something like spinach that has nutrients? No beets? Literally there are no seeds, anywhere? There are so many nuts. Are there no fish in the lake? No rabbits you can trap? Literally 0 fruits or berries growing in there? Cause thats super weird.
2) eating only lettuce and not dying. You would die. You would 100% die. Of malnutrition, of starvation. Like you would so die.
3) if you somehow did not die you would be rail thin with visible ribs and I promise you no boobs and definitely stunted growth and tooth problems from starvation.
And then also
Why is anyone wearing a corset under these clothes that in no way require a corset? Stays historically reflect the clothes put on top of them. People were not wearing pairs of bodies and shit under loose clothes. With that empire waist I would be expecting like maybe regency stays, but those wouldn't affect your waust just make your titties pop so ??? ??? Also this is clearly from an earlier period so tbh girl is probably just wearing a shift or chemise.
i don't know why this is bothering me so much in a fantasy story about witches but its absolutely killing me.