Douyara Watashi no Karada wa Kanzen Muteki no You Desu ne - Vol. 2 Ch. 9

May 5, 2018
@Rizkid1412 Actual statistics would strongly disagree, but I guess fictional children are far more deserving of protection than real ones. 2D > 3D, after all.
Also, if your first thought when seeing children showering is even related to pedophilia, I've got some bad news for you.
Double-page supporter
Jan 19, 2019
Martial arts tournament arc, scumbag fiance, timid no confidence woman.
This series can fuck right off. Take your sweaty, armchair sitting, mouth breathing, hotdog water drinking, butt scratching, cliche bullshit elsewhere.
Enough is enough. It's been done too many times. 2/10
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
Lets be honest. The moment she said fiance, everybody had the same idea as to what the next 5-6 chapters are going to look like. Not to mention the moment they called out a tournament, everybody knew what was going to happen as well. Can have a tournament arc without a "dramatic" sub plot to go along with it. People stay because they enjoy the story so far.

On a side note, if the power of friendship wins a fight for someone who had every right to lose, i'm gonna be slightly pissed. This story so far has not yet pulled fully away from everyone but MC can still be harmed, so I am hopeful. But we are inching closer to just handing out plot armor for everybody in the her friend group.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 29, 2018
@xfaca aw come on, there are almost no country that have as much underage porn drawing as much as Japan. Tell me in straight face other country have the same obsession or even the same anount of work with Japan and their loli's hentai and sexualisation of little kids on their pop media (anime, manga, idol culture, etc)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2019
Honestly, I hope her friends almost get merc'd. She's OP enough to just heal them, and honestly could face-tank the entire fucking tourney.
Aggregator gang
Apr 24, 2019
Ah, and just as I complain about the school uniform in last chapter, we get a katana in this one. That's too bad this series is going the "Let's introduce the superior Japanese culture into a fantasy world" route. At least they took more safety measures with their weapons during practice this time. :/

Thanks to the translators for the mass release btw, and good luck on future translations.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
@valve The reasons are because:
[ol][li]The teacher specifically says "the edges are blunted", meaning neither the tip nor the sword in general is.[/li][li]During her thrust, you see clearly in page 27 panel 2&5 that she is rearing her hand back in a stance to thrust, and in page 28 panel 1&2 its very obvious that she had thrust her hand straight forward in a thrust that impaled the girls torso (the latter being the author artificially creating cliff-hangers despite later retconning it next chapter by being a scratch on the arm)[/li][li]At page 3 you see that the trajectory was offset by a rock, which would not have mattered if it was a horizontal slice. This means it is likely a thrust, though a vertical cut might work too. A vertical cut would however not start or end in those positions.[/li][/ol]Also, fairly sure those kids don't have more than basic sword-fighting skills. They are way too young for that.
Dex-chan lover
May 15, 2019
@feha just gonna "no" all that. Insufficient evidence, jumping to conclusions, strongly disagree.
What you are saying is possible but the story and pages do in no way prove what you are saying. Even your panel 2&5 are not conclusive of anything.

Did you not read not read the earlier chapters that they've been training sword fighting at home? There's no real timeline but my feeling is that even MC, that has the least training out of the 3, prb has half a year or a year or of daily sword training by now, maybe more. Especially seeing as how attached MC grew to her friends, some amount of time should have passed.

@Rizkid1412 Muslims, have you heard of them? They are far bigger than japan. Just that their culture isn't as widespread or "for public consumption".
Dex-chan lover
Dec 29, 2018
@Valve what the fuck are you talking about? Im muslim and we protect our children very much! Are you talking about way in past, in barbarism era? Please consider society norm and place at the time. Aisyah (the one often taken by fear mongering boomer to paint Islam in bad way) is taken a wife by our prophet to protect her, and they didn't even consumated their marriage until later on since a child having children is bad for the child and the mother. She later on become a really respected woman who command and charge an army in a war. She lose though, but still Aisyah is one baddass mofo in age where woman around her is often look as baby generator.

Its not like Christian don't have history of that, with their boys raping priest, in age where that kind of thing is a big no no. Even South Park is making fun of that bullshit, there's even a film too!

Religion is also not a country.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
Only thing that really bothers me is the katana....... like, no matter how Japanese you are, if you weren't a blacksmit in your previous life, don't come saying you can give instruction to make one xP and to the point you can even teach someone how to wield it too, I could only believe that if she had the SAGE skill from the slime.
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2018
So, somehow in the release I messed up page 18 by deleting it before I uploaded... You guys were missing an extra shower scene page... and probably didn't even notice it. lol
Fixed!! 🤣 ( MD upload is still slow, but at least I can upload now! yay! )
Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2018
This started off ok but it's become boring and drawn out and those gross shower panels, there were so many and full body? they're supposed to be little kids
Dex-chan lover
May 15, 2019
@JWChibi kids take showers together after gym, maybe you didn't know? Nothing wrong with that, it isn't even drawn erotically, it being full body actually makes it less erotic if you ask me.

@Rizkid1412 I'm not christian so maybe you should stop assuming everyone that isn't muslim is?
When a religion is big enough influence to basically rule multiple countrys, what is the point of saying it's not a country? It makes the laws and policies, the work of politicians, does that not make it a country just because it goes by another name?
While I don't know much about the religion other than that theres some shitty honor culture going on that shames people to do things they do not want to do, I seem to remember that they like promising marriges at an early age, and in my book thats basically the same thing, especially when one party is significantly older.
But I really don't know much about muslims, other than that they oppress women to have very few choices in life if any, and that they scare my mother when she's riding the buss by looking at her strangely.

Anyways, religion is just a way to force people to do things that they might or might not have normally done, sometimes for good, most times for the interest of the people making the rules in said religion.
God or no god, doesn't matter, it's organized control of a larger amount of humans, flat and simple, the rest is just excuses.
Nov 3, 2018
When you spend all your previous life on a bed and you can tell people how to craft a katana ( i guess dwarf are gifted ) and teach an efficient way of fighting to a girl who is the direct heir of a family famous for their fighting prowess.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 8, 2020
Mmmmmmmmmm full body panels of children showering eh? Hmmmmm we tiptoe the line ever more perilously every day....

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