@RangoBongo Truth in fiction. There were some reasonably high profile incidents that forced doctors to operate on themselves due to being in similarly isolated circumstances. Very famous example was back in '61 when Leonid Rogozov had to remove his own appendix while stationed at the Novolazarevskaja Research Station in Antarctica- he was the only physician on staff and thus had to do it himself. Back in 2000 there was a woman in Mexico who had to give herself a c-section once the labor started to get complicated- did it with a kitchen knife and a few shots of very hard liquor. These conditions are pretty much the same, Goto is the only person on the island qualified and at this point he won't survive the 4+ hour trip back to a mainland hospital.
Even then, Trauma Center's true horror comes from the detail that most of GUILT were based on actual diseases and parasites but with their effects amped up to 11- heck what Triti is based on almost killed my cousin this year.