Meh, don't take super too serious. Akira barely active at this point anyways.
The joke in Super is they try to Mimicking the joke about Goku's shock culture back in the days.
But the thing is, Goku shock culture make sense, he didn't know what married mean but when you think about he lived in forest and growing up either in the middle island in Kami house or high up in Kami place. You can also see him grow and change, like he used to think Bulma is weird because she have no ball, he think Bulma won't have tail there fore only boy. As the character learn and grow, so was the joke, remember the stuff about he can't tell boy or girl just by a first glance with out knowing if they have a penis or not ?
Now we have a joke about a guys who have wife and two kid who don't know what kiss is and don't understand how pregnant work. That is just reply in pure shock value and straight up retard joke.