What is this!? It's a Dragon Ball doujinshi of high quality! Both in art and more importantly,
in writing. Sure, it has its flaws, but most of them are shared with OG Dragon Ball, such as new villains far stronger than the previous ones, and new powerup methods that have never been hinted at previously, suddenly appearing. But there is action, humor,
mechanics (but not too much of them e.g. detailed numeral power levels), and even attempts to explain OG Dragon Ball plot holes and unresolved mysteries! Just look at that revised cosmology ladder! And the villain backstories are not extreeemely deep (well, not rigor), but they sure are better than "this is goku, but he hit his head and is now evil"! I might seem a bit too excited about this, but it's a Toriyama style fan sequel, something I don't think I've ever seen before. And that includes yours, Toyotarou.
@John_Doe_Jersey @NeroPR This is not an official Dragon Ball comic but a fan-work. Granted, the critique might be valid, but knowing that might bring a new perspective.