Well the systems I know, has lower-stage (or "primary"/"elementary") for 1-3, middle-stage (or "middle") for 4-6, and high-stage (or "upper") for 7-9, and anything beyond that is not part of compulsory. So for the voluntary schooling, 10-12 is the equivalent to americas "high school" afaik (dunno the english name for it though), and 13-17 is university/college/high-school (not the american type of "high school", which afaik is the term they use for the first stages of voluntary schooling).As
5th grade's always been elementary school. America's weird in that middle school is 6th to 8th while high school is 9th to 12th. Other countries usually have 7th to 9th for middle school and 10th to 12th for high school.
What are the other countries you mention, that like america also split the lowest stage into 6, instead of 3? Because I thought only america did that.
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