I feel they have some valid gripes with Stromheim but this attitude is a great way to never get assistance ever, and probably why they didn't get any thus far
They did get assistance and they keep getting assistance. Otherwise, Karinz would've already been dead and buried. Considering that the Oder can reanimate dead bodies, they would just keep losing men to a force that continually increases in proportion. I don't know if Stromheim sends constant reinforcements, but they definitely send constant food and basic supplies to Karinz to keep the city alive at all costs. Otherwise, the city would just fall of starvation, frostbite, mutiny, and general anarchy. Even if Archdookie Cold is there, he won't be anywhere near powerful enough to provide food and the basic needs of his people. So it only stands to reason that the one keeping Karinz alive is Stromheim. That's exactly why that asshat's attitude is unacceptable. The only reason his house is still standing to this day is because Stromheim is allowing it to stay standing and keeping his realm alive. That's exactly why his attitude, especially towards the Royal family, is highly, HIGHLY uncalled for and unnecessary. Even that beer he's drinking most probably came from Stromheim, because there's no way anyone can grow barley in that godforsaken hellhole. I hope he gets knocked off his stupid high horse.