Drop down boxes not working

May 8, 2018
The drop down boxes on the main navigation bar are not working as well as the cog and account drop down box.
The follow box on individual manga and rating don't drop down so i can't unfollow or rate.
However the All/manga/groups/users box next to the quick search bar does work.

Was working after you fixed the read icon/missing elements bug but stopped the day before you upgraded servers.
Using whatever outdated browser the PS4 uses...

Thank You

...Not 5 min after i post this it is fixed...

and 24 hours later it is buged agan... What could this bug be?
Jan 19, 2019
Still not working for me, ipad with safari, chrome, duckduckgo
Maybe problem with javascript
The buttons that call jabascript function fails to be executed

Someone on discord added "www." in front of the link
Example from https://mangadex.org/forums to https://www.mangadex.org/forums
The buttons work, only some dropdown buttons aren't
May 8, 2018
@Holo Short answer is NO. But with the www. workaround the drop down boxes at the top are working
BUT the individual manga follow and rating boxes still don't drop down...
Also the drop down boxes on the follows page still don't work. (latest updates/manga)...

Thank You and everyone working on these issues.

Everything seems to be working atm will update if need be.
Sep 20, 2018
Sadly everytime i go back to the home screen it removes the added www. and stops working again. This is a pretty annoying problem for the past week. You have to manually add www. every time you go to the home screen, which is quite often when you are looking for new chapters to read.

Edit: It just fixed, not sure when but hopefully it stays fixed :D

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