@The5thSeraph the manga glosses over sooooooo much from the LN. Basically that form was a temporary power up transformation. Which is to be expected because in the LN the dude has like a father complex and the girls are father-cons but he's also not sexual (due to law of male manga protags not being allowed, like almost every other non smut manga).
I mean it's one thing if he's a lolicon, I can at least understand it even if I don't agree with it, but his creepy father daughter roleplay on top of the father-con Lolis is just so cringe and fetishy it's not funny. And the author is a girl so it blows my mind how the LN turned out that way.
The manga basically speed runs the LN and changes alot around, leaving out too many important details. I have to read both in conjunction just to keep it all straight.