Dungeon Kurashi no Moto Yuusha - Vol. 6 Ch. 45 - After the end of the battle…

Group Leader
Aug 15, 2020
So the plan is to unite the world against him. I’d say that’s a risky plan but he’s beaten the strongest woman, recruited the strongest man, and gets stronger with each person he traps in his dungeon.

I think it’s a solid plan.
Double-page supporter
Sep 26, 2018
Are you kidding me?!? After a whole year of this fight. On which the fight was bs because of stamina reasons the guy lost( while she healed an entire arm). And after you finally caught her you guys are gonna be like nah just make them leave to deliver a f*king message to a guy?!? If this is really how this is gonna go next chapter then i am gonna drop thos sooner then a bom can explode. Seriously bad writing this.
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
Are you kidding me?!? After a whole year of this fight. On which the fight was bs because of stamina reasons the guy lost( while she healed an entire arm). And after you finally caught her you guys are gonna be like nah just make them leave to deliver a f*king message to a guy?!? If this is really how this is gonna go next chapter then i am gonna drop thos sooner then a bom can explode. Seriously bad writing this.
well the reason if i not wrong came back about her equipment, if Al kill her here that equipment may go to other qualified people and not like he cant just win them again like this, so safer let Viola have it, at last in case of Viola Al and Blum know her personality and how she fight so countermeasure is possible
Dex-chan lover
Jul 24, 2018
That’ll only work if they stay in the dungeon. If they leave, they could earn the peoples trust and overthrow him.
That might not work either. If word were to spread that the former Grand Mage, the former Hero, the Queen, and the Princess all banded together, even a hint of any activity against the Emperor will make their political supporters flock to the Dungeon. The percentage of the Kingdom's soldiers under them all become the armies of the new "Demon Lord".

I'm getting ahead of myself with this, but if it goes in that direction, they will bring what will likely be a tremendous chunk of the economy, all the money in circulation which they control, goods, services, food, trade, banking...the Guilds are gonna be in a state of panic! Then there're their trading partners outside the country, and X number of other nations who also have a bone to pick with the Emperor, who will at least send representatives to ask WTF happened, maybe even ally themselves with the Dungeon eventually. The country has essentially been pushed into a corner, and ownership is threatening to change. And all it took was for the Queen and her daughter to run away from home, and into the arms of her biggest simp and his best friend.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2020
So the plan is to unite the world against him. I’d say that’s a risky plan but he’s beaten the strongest woman, recruited the strongest man, and gets stronger with each person he traps in his dungeon.

I think it’s a solid plan.
Is it tho? Constantly under siege in that hole doesn't sound like a great life plan to me. And if one hero emerged before, who sais there won't be another one?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2023
I feel like Viola has to join Blum's harem soon and claim her place as one of the "demon generals". Also wouldn't the instability be just as easily stopped if they kill the prince instead? He seemingly is useless, sacrifices others, lacks intelligence, so getting rid of him hurts nobody.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Oh hey, its the Lelouch gambit.

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