The 1st dead dwarf 's name is Thanos The Mad TOTAN , because he has a big nutsack of a chin , lol .
Senshi once had had a normal horse named Anne , so that is why in chapter 14 , he had a soft spot for the Kelpie , the horse monster , and he named it Anne too .
Plot twist : Girin , the helmet dwarf , is probably still alive in the dungeon after all these years . When he went outside to pass water , he wanted to scratch his head so he took off his helmet .
In the previous chapter , they just ate the skyfish , and now they just eat a whole griffin , they probably have bottom-less stomachs .
In the next chapter , their appearances will be changed , but I guess it will not be permanent , they just need to step into the circle again to be changed back . Proof : in the past , the Hippogriff stepped into the circle and was changed into the Griffin , then Laios just put the Griffin 's meat into the circle and it is changed back to Hippogriff 's meat .
Senshi is so handsome in this chapter , he must be a fake Shapeshifter , lol :