Hestia si definitely being drawn cuter in these new series and less annoying. That is a big improvement.
Something that has been bothering me is that in this chapter we are shown a monster changing into dust even though its magic stone wasn't cut, but till now in all the other series save on this new one it only happens if the magic stone is destroyed, with lots of instances of people taking this into account or shouting it aloud. I hope there is an explanation and it is not that the publisher wanted to change the background of the series or that the mangaka does not know much about it.
@D1stanc3 First of all artists do not change all the time more like the opposite, at least outside the US, and when they do in the US they make them a new series.
There is also plenty of different examples which have another page.
- Series where they take again the same story part but change the paper, colour or turn then into white and black, redraw some pages or add some extras. Typical with vey popular stories with some time around.
- Stories which they are about the same part of an story already told but with a new artist or author. Typical of Dragon Ball.
- Stories where the mangaka changes publishers or the publisher renames themselves, but the story is a direct continuation as if nothing happened. Trigun comes to mind.
In all of these cases there is a new page for them.
In this precise case is not even a continuation, more like another part, a new mangaka, and they treat it as new series and even release a chapter 0. It is more different than any of the previous examples, meaning it is even more of a new series.
@ELCAZADOR Yeah, i know it is a new series and that is a chapter 0, like others before have said.
It is a pity, that it hasn't been working. Did the admins not provide a solution? It will become a mess, apart from with the change of series, if the previous end up going on again as there will be two series running with the same numbering. How about putting it as chapter 1xx for now? That will not only help with that issues but will make obvious the gap story-wise, in the case it is not really possible to create a new page for this new series.