Dungeon Reset - Ch. 58

Nov 28, 2018
Says you don't look for drama but was the first to fling dirt calling the other scans "poor quality" and "used stolen work" from the collab while the other side remained calm when it all began.
Other side releases a statement revealing that the split was about money which is believable because most scanlation drama usually ends up being about money (i.e donations, youtube revenue, etc)
Continues to say the other is poorer quality (there are differences but no recognizable quality difference imo), and says the split was due to the other side's "ego"....which is harder to believe.
Perhaps I am not getting enough info, but I can see which side is going to get more community support.
Group Leader
Jun 12, 2020
@lenny123 @OgWrench to clarify they never asked for a temp collab, that is a lie. They flat out asked us to continue collabing on ultimate soldier, and to collab with them on dungeon reset. We had no idea they planned to use us and then toss us aside lol. We never whined or cried about it. They began attacking us before we even put out a chapter. We let them know we're gonna work on this series when they dropped us. No, we did not snipe their work since we've been working on dungeon reset with the for 7 chapters already.

Gravity said "I don't look for drama, but when people ask questions I don't mind responding." with insults and lies such as "They whined about it, as children normally do. So I delayed it as much as I could." "They can snipe and whine like children." Niceu btw, any1 with a brain and see how you're trying to discredit us when you're the one creating drama.

"They were given notice more than 2 weeks ahead that the end of the collab was coming." Also a lie. I found out because I was removed https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/738027664811622460/781238986421043230/unknown.png

You mentioned your plan a week prior after using us, but we were never given any actual notice. It just happened, followed by you putting out the chapters we both worked on without telling us then banning us from all discords.
Group Leader
Jun 12, 2020
@Hauster honestly thank you for seeing it for what it's. My group is not in it for the money at all, and we have no plans for donations or Patreon even for the future. Them attacking us and then discrediting us and putting us down for defending ourselves and saying the truth is frustrating.
Aug 23, 2020
@ValeScanlation, I understand now, just needed both sides opinion, plus their whole comment was pretty suss, I hope everything goes alright for you guys, Tbh I love Flame scans, they are best and quality of every manga/manwha/manhua they upload is god tier, hope that collab btw Vale and Flame never ends,

I had my doubts on Devmax, just needed to hear the story from both sides before I could judge.
Dec 6, 2019
What a mess this is ...
I didnt think something like this would happen.
One group saying the collab was temp. The other one saying they didnt knew it was temp.
One group saying their work is of higher quality. The other group says no one will notice.
One saying the other is whining. They reply with "no".
One saying the other one is insulting them while they insult the other group in the same sentence ...

I have no reason to believe any of you. These could all be unfounded claims.
No one wants to be worse than the other.
Please stop it. All of you.
Power Uploader
Aug 9, 2018

No we will not stop posting on mangadex.
Yes I can provide screen shots of the notice given to the admin of Vale Scans, with the childish whining included about how “this isn’t how collabs end.” A collab ends when the original group no longer needs assistance, or when the original group gets tired of the series and willingly gives it to the other group. The notice was given between 15-18 days before we released chapter 55-57.

No work by any other group was used without credit. As mentioned prior in this comment thread. And yes I can say a work is poorer quality upload when half the sfx aren’t finished. I can provide even more evidence of poor work with screen shots, but only for work done after the collab. Any work during the collab was ensured to be good quality while I did the QC.
Group Leader
Sep 2, 2020
Ill just say this real quick, im the redrawer for devmax altough i havent been here for long i spend hours redrawing every sfx i can to provide the best quality within my capabilities, we are not skipping sfx and racing ahead just to get a chapter out. I cant speak for the whole team but i try to give the readers quality work. You get some points right but its far from everything
Oct 22, 2019
@ALL-SEEING I soooo agree with that! Also for the language settings, as I have a few series being translated into another language I also read. But I already read them, so I don't need the "notification". However, if I don't have this other language on in the settings, I won't be able to see the other series that are only in that language...
Do we have a "box" where we can leave those kinds of suggestions?

Apart from that, I also agree with @kikix12 . I already said it, but I will ignore the drama around here and solely compare the quality, consistency and regularity of the chapters released. We won't know the real truth anyway so I don't care anymore.
Power Uploader
Aug 9, 2018

sorry, i didn't read your whole post before. I never mentioned the collab ending because of ego.
i'm saying that they are sniping because of ego. when a collab ends the series goes with the original group,
unless the original group gives permission for the other groups to keep the series.
just because a group helps for a few chaps doesn't mean they inherit the series.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 5, 2020
for some reason the other group's work is blurry af so thank you for your work
Aug 7, 2019
seems like it might make sense to build a cover area every so often on either side of the path, kind of a redoubt. The area to stand or hide behind would only be on the side facing the village. That way you could get cover from projectiles from the dungeon but you couldn't hide from the village so it wouldn't be useful for monsters.
Double-page supporter
Mar 25, 2019
I’m not saying that your releases were MTL’d, but they read like they were. Everything was much better when it wasn’t just you working on them. Even when you were warring with Reaper (which considering the current situation, doesn’t put you in a good light) I much preferred theirs over yours. Will stick to the other group’s, now that they’re working on it, thanks.


Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
New food get! Beans!! Everyone be pooting nonstop tonight.
Active member
Jan 22, 2018
All the talk about needing to give permission for someone else to scan a series feels really out of place considering the spirit behind fansub/scans was largely trying to spread interest in series that were unlikely to ever be picked up by a licensor in that language. If anything, everyone should have dropped this series given that it's been licensed in English and I don't think the publisher has given permission to anyone here to continue fan translations.

Ultimately unauthorized fan translations don't have actual rules to follow between groups, it's entirely etiquette driven, so if both groups want to go at it, that's perfectly fine. If both groups are doing this out of their passion for the series, they really shouldn't care that another group has stepped into the arena.
Jan 22, 2018
Scanlation drama is always hilarious. One group of criminals telling another group of criminals they don't have permission to do criminal activies :D
Aug 23, 2020
At this point I don't really know which scanlation group to trust, only time'll tell, may the group who provides good quality in short time win.

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