N Nuclearninja018 Joined May 14, 2020 Messages 24 Dec 22, 2020 #2 Why is there a whole page without any writing the boxes are just empty
Leviathan1132 Power Uploader Joined Sep 2, 2020 Messages 207 Dec 22, 2020 #3 What did you bunch of clowns do this time? Cant TS... smh
V ValeScanlation Group Leader Joined Jun 12, 2020 Messages 43 Dec 22, 2020 #4 @Nuclearninja018 fixing it as we speak. I just woke up and was told to upload the final version and I swapped 1 the qc with the rdcl version by mistake.
@Nuclearninja018 fixing it as we speak. I just woke up and was told to upload the final version and I swapped 1 the qc with the rdcl version by mistake.
Z Zorander Member Joined May 14, 2019 Messages 18 Dec 22, 2020 #5 @valescanlation You have a page in there without the text filled in. Edit: All good mate, thanks for your work.
@valescanlation You have a page in there without the text filled in. Edit: All good mate, thanks for your work.
S StinkyPoopy123 Member Joined Sep 22, 2020 Messages 75 Dec 22, 2020 #7 theres no text for me idk if its on purpose or not
V ValeScanlation Group Leader Joined Jun 12, 2020 Messages 43 Dec 22, 2020 #8 @StinkyPoopy123 @Nuclearninja018 @Zorander fixed! reload the page
somethingev Joined Jul 25, 2020 Messages 15 Dec 22, 2020 #9 @Johnathan1132 calm down, they only have 1 redrawer and 1 typesetter while you guys had 4 people on redrawing and 2 people typesetting. Its fixed now
@Johnathan1132 calm down, they only have 1 redrawer and 1 typesetter while you guys had 4 people on redrawing and 2 people typesetting. Its fixed now
majorfluffybacon Member Joined Dec 26, 2018 Messages 83 Dec 22, 2020 #11 if he aims for spots that doesnt have muscles couldnt he just aim for the skull and 1 shot everything by destroying their brain
if he aims for spots that doesnt have muscles couldnt he just aim for the skull and 1 shot everything by destroying their brain
T thegoatrider Dex-chan lover Joined Dec 29, 2018 Messages 3,849 Dec 22, 2020 #12 Thanks for the chap
Redice Dex-chan lover Joined Jan 18, 2018 Messages 1,830 Dec 22, 2020 #13 2x efficiency on bone breaking: starts eating and breaking bones with his fingers like it's made of wet biscuits.
2x efficiency on bone breaking: starts eating and breaking bones with his fingers like it's made of wet biscuits.
RadPanda Joined May 20, 2020 Messages 41 Dec 22, 2020 #14 Wtffff? The Vale/Flame Scans version has a lot of errors. Please fix it if you have a lot of interest in the series 😁
Wtffff? The Vale/Flame Scans version has a lot of errors. Please fix it if you have a lot of interest in the series 😁
Doomer Dex-chan lover Joined Jan 6, 2019 Messages 2,943 Dec 22, 2020 #15 he should take his remaining soda and put it in the bowl. infinite soda
S Saizouno Joined Nov 22, 2018 Messages 16 Dec 22, 2020 #16 Do we ignore the fact that he is eating bones... bones that came from human shaped skelettons... like its candy?
Do we ignore the fact that he is eating bones... bones that came from human shaped skelettons... like its candy?
lycho28 Member Joined Mar 8, 2018 Messages 179 Dec 22, 2020 #17 If there're problems with the images, you probably chose "compressed images" in the data saver setting. Try changing it to "original images".
If there're problems with the images, you probably chose "compressed images" in the data saver setting. Try changing it to "original images".
J jessiej Active member Joined Sep 21, 2019 Messages 349 Dec 22, 2020 #18 @Doomer You are not thinking asian enough. It will probably be soy souce... But i vary much like the idea of soda if he has any left.
@Doomer You are not thinking asian enough. It will probably be soy souce... But i vary much like the idea of soda if he has any left.
Zero13 Dex-chan lover Joined Mar 19, 2019 Messages 509 Dec 22, 2020 #20 Really didnt need to see his Squirrel Version in that panel. Least Pokyu made an appearence too. Wonder if old man will join Dawoons team as a companion even after this arc. That sure would be weird.
Really didnt need to see his Squirrel Version in that panel. Least Pokyu made an appearence too. Wonder if old man will join Dawoons team as a companion even after this arc. That sure would be weird.