Dungeon Reset - Ch. 71

Double-page supporter
Mar 25, 2019
I can spot several things to correct without even reading too far into the chapter.
Dawun finds the knife: "Where have I seen this knife before?"
Dawun realizes why the elder wouldn't give his knife, rabbit comments: "Would you give this away?" or "Would you have given it away?"
The labyrinth begins to shake: I mean, seriously, the translators went with "vibrate"?
The lich breaks and freezes the stone block: "Is it magic?" or "It's like magic!" (I question the translation itself here too, but that's beside the point)
Rabbit tells Dawun to just hand over the knife, Dawun responds: "Are you crazy? I really want that/this knife!"

If you want to judge someone for not having English as a first language, you need look no further than the ones who proofread this chapter (if it was proofread at all), because they did jack shit when it came to making it sound like English. Sure the words are all technically correct, but it reads like the characters are not comfortable with the language they're speaking.
And, if we're judging people by their primary language, "I'm guessing by the fact that you're comfortable with this level of quality that English isn't yours." It IS mine, by the way, otherwise I wouldn't be so dissatisfied.

I'd much rather wait a few days for a chapter that actually had some effort put into it than read a chapter that was released just for the sake of being the first to release. Obviously, groups that can deliver high-quality, immediate releases do actually exist (e.g. most of the groups doing Solo Leveling). Evidently, however, RESET SCANS isn't one of them.
Double-page supporter
Mar 25, 2019
My previous comment doesn't even consider the entire "Richie" nonsense. "We like it better" isn't a justifiable reason to fuck up a simple word like "Lich" that much.
So on top of being poor proofreaders (if even proofreaders at all), you defend a poor translation with an excuse like that and blatantly lie about and berate your competition.
I stand by my initial statement: "I remember now why I blocked this group."
Apr 7, 2018
If you can edit the chapter to add something obvious, maybe you can edit this one too:

The sentence itself isn't well composed, but simple spelling errors contradict your "high quality"claim.
Apr 8, 2020
It's pathetic to see that people actually come here just so they can tell that the translation is bad and they hate it, which is pretty much just biased, because you won't say anything good about someone/something if you've already decided you will hate them no matter the situation.

I'm reading reset scans, I think it's better in this particular manhwa, I'm reading flame scans for returner's magic should be special.

There should be no belittlement of either of groups, rivalry is acceptable, but even that rather between the groups and not the readers.

Anyone who belittles the other group is just disrespecting their own group's name by being a complete dipshit and making more people as well hate the other group, because they associate one or two idiot with the whole group.

Not cool, stand down you angry mongrels, take your unloved asses to somewhere else where you don't hurt others, only yourself.
Power Uploader
Aug 9, 2018

Yup that was an edit made yesterday cuz the TS had out bunny. I’ll get it fixed.


As far as I am aware I have never lied about the competition. I have been proven wrong before, which has been admitted on these comments. But no, I’ve never lied. As far as the rest, those are all the correct TL with the exception of maybe Richie/Liche. R and L are interchangeable when translating Korean so neither can truly be considered wrong. Just like some will translate names like “Hwi-jin” and “Hee-jin”, both are correct. But I suppose those less educated in languages wouldn’t know that. Overall we can’t proofread and change a whole sentence structure. We can add adjectives or whatnot, but we shouldn’t be changing verbs or nouns intentionally. So yes, for the most part all those other points are correct in our TL.

As far as the need for fast TLs, Flame was the one who made it needed when they as the larger group began to snipe our work after we ended the collab. If they’re going to race another group, they should be the one doing higher quality releases. They have more than 70 staff, while we have maybe 20 with only around 10 actually active. They also have a much larger donation pool to recruit better staff.

I hope you have a wonderful day.
Double-page supporter
Mar 25, 2019
"Neither can be considered wrong" is a blatant cop-out. You have an undead lord here, and you pretty much just decide on your own to call him "Richie." None of the characters could possibly know his name, so where the fuck does that come from? As opposed to the word "lich" which practically means "undead lord," is a common fantasy trope, has no direct counterpart in Korean, and is being used in a series where all the other monsters are named after what they are. Saying "neither can be wrong" is like saying "a dog's bark" means a canine's outer layer of wood. Potentially not incorrect, but horribly misguided and completely deviant from reality or common sense. You act all "educated in languages" as if determining the right word among a set of homophones isn't ubiquitous to practically all of them.

And that's exactly what I'm saying, Flame ARE making higher quality releases than you are. That's what I've been saying since my first comment.
Not to mention that Flame obviously still haven't released their version of this chapter, so it wouldn't have killed RESET to spend a little more time making this better. But you didn't; you were satisfied with a sub-par release just so you could be first. Flame apparently doesn't care about that being first as long as they can put effort into making quality work, and that's why yours is all the more disappointing.

I read this chapter in particular because it was in the "top releases in the past 6hrs" section of the homepage, and I hadn't yet checked my follows page. It didn't even register that it was released by RESET until I was already disappointed in what I thought to be a drop in quality. Then I saw the group and that I had already blocked them, and the drop in quality made sense. So no, I'm not bashing this group just because they're RESET. I'm complaining that their quality isn't as good as it could be, especially when all that remains is just proofreading and quality control, and I'm stating that I'd rather wait for a release by a group that actually puts that much effort in.
Nov 10, 2020
I just decided to open the comments because why not and there's a whole debate going on. If there's one point I would like to make, I agree with @FullDiver that Richie should be Lich and I agree with them for all the reasons they mentioned. Otherwise I'm grateful for the translation.
Apr 8, 2020

How is even this version of the translation can be objectively worse? I have read both for many chapters to see what's the difference and I have expressed this already a few chapters back that one isn't worse than the other, I think Reset scans' version is a more professional approach and Flame scans is a more casual approach in textuality, and as I can see you're still hung up on that tiny bit of freedom of translation as an excuse to still disrespect both translator groups with your childish behaviour.
I may be no native speaker (which sometimes is not even better than not being one, because we learn formal oxford english), but I think the translation is perfect, even if there would be any problems with it, according to you, it would be not to such an extent that it is not completely understandable. I have read many *actual* bad translations and boi you really have to get real low quality in translation so that the reader starts being uncomfortable with it, to actually have problems with a translation like this, which is, compared to others, top quality is like commenting on a rolls royce that the seat is not that comfortable, when others are comfortable with even the seats of a 2000s' suzuki.

I like to believe that I can actually maybe change your mind about some things and you can agree on some of your mistakes, but out of pride and as I've said, you've already decided what "side" you're on, when you shouldn't even have in the first place whatever you say, you will now contradict what I said now with something and this "argument" could be continued forever until one of us doesn't die, so I'm not going to respond further for both of our and others' sake.

What I've said here is not exclusive to you, everyone who even a bit recognizes himself in this, I hope you will agree at some point in time that pride and stubborness will lead to nothing, but chaos. Coming on terms with one another and whether you like it or not, you may leave the other to do what he/she likes (aka. I don't get it in the first place why you have to be rude in this comment section, when you could just not say anything, because why would you? - Like really why? What benefit does anyone get out of that? - and just wait for your preferred translation and enjoy that with the others, just like people here would like to enjoy this and not read these fucking novels of arguments.)
Double-page supporter
Mar 25, 2019
I've explained it previously. Even though the most, if not all, of the individual speech bubbles are technically in correct English, "technically correct" isn't enough to be a good read.
In almost my exact words, it reads like the characters aren't comfortable speaking the language that they're using, like they're trying to get a point across in a language they've been learning for a few months, or giving a performance for a test in a foreign language class. It may be correct, but it's not natural. It really takes one out of the state of suspended of disbelief that one expects from reading fiction.

I'd be more understanding if I was just an examiner, judging this in the context of a foreign language comprehension test, because using a second language is what the scanlators are in fact doing. But as a reader, I don't expect characters to sound as if they've decided to use a language other than their native one for everything they say, which they sound like here and which I have found to be less the case in Flame's releases, or the scanlated releases for many other manga/manhwa for that matter. In THAT context, not just compared to Flame but to all scanlators, RESET's releases for Dungeon Reset (while not the worst I've seen) fall firmly among the disappointments.

And to reiterate my very first comment on this thread, because there is a less disappointing version of this same manhwa, that one is what I'd choose to read.
Apr 8, 2020

I too feel like that Flame's translation is more natural, which I have actually expressed just before using the word "casual". I totally understand your point now, but it still does not give you a reason to come in this comment section and ruin others' fun and disrespect Reset. Reset does their job the best they can and they do this non-profit, like pretty much every other group, so let's respect each other and even if you have some critics, do it in a positive way and/or polite way, because your original comment was upright extremely rude that they do not deserve.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2018
@Riger Think someone will ever do an EeR manhwa/webcomic? I feel like it's only a matter of time, right?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2019
Maybe. But i honestly doubt a manwha would do it justice. I despised nearly every novel to manwha I've ever tried to read. Especially Coiling Dragon (Pan Long, I think it was called?) and A Will Eternal.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2018
@Riger TL;DR Your mistake was thinking a Chinese manhua adaptation of a novel was gonna be good PepeLaugh

In all seriousness - personal opinion, but I have yet to read a genuinely good Chinese novel adaptation (and I've tried a lot). The only one that was passable was Tales of Demons and Gods (pretty cliche'd and derivative, but overall fine). I'll put my explanations in a spoiler tag just so I don't have a block of text taking up too much space.

Battle Across the Heavens/Doupo Cangqiong, Apotheosis, Spirit Blade Mountain and Star Martial God Technique, and quite a few others, all range from passable to average. To be honest, I feel like most of the ones I've read fit this category. A step below that was the mediocre to barely passable stuff like God of Martial Arts and Soul Land/Combat Continent.

The rest is pretty bad (I include Panlong in his category).

Nevertheless, there's a lot of good Chinese work, though I don't know if they're adaptations or not (and I'm too lazy to check) - namely City of Darkness (pretty good from what I remember), Feng Shen Ji (genuinely enjoyed all the way to its ending), and the trifecta of Blood and Steel, The Ravages of Time, and 1/2 Prince that were all not bad.

I've never read A Will Eternal but I'll take your word for it lol. Apparently Iron Ladies is pretty good, but I'm not huge on Mecha so I haven't tried it.


With that off my chest, I think EeR could work, if only because it's Korean. A lot of the Korean adaptations are actually pretty decent. I won't be cliche'd and use Solo Leveling as my example (whose story I think is "pretty good" at best, but is propped up by its god-tier art), so instead I'll mention Overgeared.

Some of them aren't that good, of course, but considering the overall track record so far I think I'd be optimistic for a decent EeR adaptation.

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