Oh, interesting development we got going here... Please don’t be mad at me but I’m sensing bl...
Anyways, Jaekyung obviously relies on Hanson too much and I’m glad she talked to him about it. He was very manic when she’d gotten into an accident and it gave off the kind of vibes his dad did with the whole “don’t go outside tell me where you are” except his father’s stems from the fact that anything but studying is a waste of time and Jaekyung is worrying for her safety (because he relies on her so much).
Interesting, interesting.
Also, I wonder where his dad got that sort of obsessive behaviour about his grades from? I know South Korea is full of people like that but I’m wondering if his behaviour also stems from something in his life.
That’s what this webtoon seems to be about as well; people’s pasts and the way it’s affecting their lives now.
Regardless, I’d like to punt that man into the sun.
Oh, Jaekyung, someone give that boy a hug!!!
Thank you for translating! And Happy New Year! Many blessings!