Childhood friends are destined to lose, yet this case, the author gave them more "equal" ground by forcing reincarnation troupe. The title is still "hero and witch" though. Poor her.
First thing- He cold rejected her on pages 11-12. Tragic.
Second thing- "Would you like me if I used to be your dragon?" That's wild. Why would a dragon make a better romantic partner than a human?! I thought it wasn't that kind of manga.
I think I either predicted or hoped it would turn like this, but am too lazy to check, or maybe I was just replying to someone thinking of this idea.
Anyway, is a better twist to let them stay around....hope they don't start using magic too though.
Oh so all of em are reincarnators. Neat. One loses the melons, the other keeps or probably grows the melons. Sorry . . . Hahaha
Her eyes changer too. So was she like a dragon? Dragon witch? Dragon transformer? Interesting. I figure if Hina's form is the same as bacc then Grey would've remember. Eh nvm, Celis didn't keep her original form as well.