I like how you guys are talking as if you are some army commander for your own countries XD
I'm not even surprised if some of you even run a gun store, judging by how you guys discuss about the armour and the weapons in such great detail lmao.
Some of us might also watch H.E.M.A and weapon/armor demonstrations. It's 2023. European martial arts, tactics, weapons and armor has become a growing trend of study. Shadiversity, Skallagrimm, and Metatron are a few examples.
So yeah. Just about anyone with internet and a smartphone can put the pieces together and really diss on how this manga depicts human foot soldiers.
Without spears.
Like, one of the cheapest weapons to produce. And a shield, literally something you can make with thin planks of wood, cloth and glue. Not great, but gets the job done. Even better with a boss. And more effective in a shield formation.
The romans would laugh at this human 'army.'