Empira's Awakening

Aggregator gang
May 11, 2019
What a bad first 2 chapters, see the Mc once and nothing has happened, seems the pacing is going to be garbage
May 6, 2019
For first and second chapter
Very slow pace, it can be done in half chapter and
"Hmm you are chosen one, are you? Let me test you *attacks with OP golem* ( yeah sure attacking for testing) then " ehehe, It was for fun (called it)"
It already shown a bad writing.

Edit: And with the third chapter. Still it can be done in half or 3/4 of chapter. Still not main character not shown.
Active member
Dec 25, 2018
Ok I just read the available chapters and here's my thoughts: this's the worst manga I read in a while. The art is bad the plot is very confusing and slow (not in a good way) the characters are retarded at best and for god sake please don't spoil your own story! The characters interdiction is killing the mystery element that way they usually do them at the end of the arc. I'll continue reading this because I hate myself and I'll give this one a 3/10
Mar 31, 2018
This is really hard to read, because while at some point it is okay the art and then sudden change in a situation and text don't really match up leaving you confused with the pacing. I just can't follow this lol
May 26, 2019
The guy below (@Jesotku) is right, the balloons does not indicate who is talking (at least in the early 7-9 ch) - and the story is wayyyyyy too slow. However in the ch 9 this changes, the story accelerate, the balloons problem still there, but you can guess who is talking (LUL), the art is fine and you can say that this mango really starts at the chapter 9. So, try read the 10 *chapter first (though only have 9 ch now XD)
PS: the plot looks good, I'll see if it will run well :D
Sep 8, 2018
To be honest I like that story. It may not be a unique one but no story is unique at this point. I think the pacing is fine for now considering we are still in the world building faze (prelog). The art is very good though the speech bubbles need some work. Maybe by putting them closer to the person that's talking. Using different bubbles for normal speech and thoughts, and using that weird thing that goes from characters mouth to the bubble in most comics. Tl;Dr: it very good story though confusing at first. Solid 4.5/5

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